A/N Background info

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Hello people of the internet who have decided to read this story. I know there are a ton of these Dragon Academy stories our there, but I promise this one will be good. Now, this story contains and OC, created by, well, me. Well, technically all of the characters are OC's, but this one is my special OC, who you shall see the entire story from.

Name: Willow Truelove

Age: 16

Birthday: July 23rd

Appearance: Has long purple hair that reaches the back of her knees. Her eyes are purple as well. She is very skinny (finds out in book) and well fit (also find out in book). 

Height: 5'2 (done growing)

Weight: 79 pounds

Likes: Sun sets, animals, flowers, peace and quiet, sweets, exercise, hard working people

Dislikes: Sleeping in, littering, loud noises, spicy/salty food, lazy/rude/rich (jerky) people, bullies

Background: Willow has lived in the town of Fawan her entire life. Her mother died when she was born, and her dad remarried her stepmom Bianca at the age of 1. Her dad passed away 3 years later, and Bianca and her step siblings, Sam and Lily, treat her as a work girl. People in the village think of her as cursed or even a witch, so she gets bullied a fair amount. Her appearance is greatly different from everyone in the village, and people have no idea why.

Personality: Willow is a hard working girl, who never fails to disappoint. She is always very clam, and does not instantly think monster at things she has never seen like most people. Willow is very kind to people who are nice to her, but people who get on her bad side aren't so lucky. Willow is very good with sass when she wants to be, and never stops to think about people who have hurt her or her friends feelings. Willow is an amazing baker and cook, since she has to prepare all her "families" meals along with make everything for the bakery. Willow is also slightly self conscious about her high. Being so short and done growing has given people another thing to judge about her. 

Things to know before reading:

" = speaking 

'= thoghts


Alright, I hope you enjoy this

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