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Ways to Say Pt. 2

She didn't say "I missed you". She'd say, "You're such a snob. How do people put up with you all this time?" and she would sneer, eyes rolling in such an arrogant manner.

So be happy if she tells you that you're full of yourself, it means she misses you too much but isn't willing to let her pride admit so. Bottom line is, she misses you and let me tell you one thing; being missed-which means being constantly on her mind-by her exactly feels like heaven on earth.

It was one rare day when I was assigned for field at the company's branch office since I was assigned at the headquarters. I had no more stacks of pitch deck to finish before deadline. I would not see post its scattered all over my table, with scribbles of revisions that needed to be made; increase the font on slide 3 by 2 pts, change the title color on slide 7 to lighter blue and other minor changes. Well, technically, those post its were still on my table but not seeing them for half a day should do good for my mental health, hopefully.

Lunch time came as the sun happily shone outside in a way too bright manner, I had to fight a heavy scowl at the sky of Manhattan mid-July. My resting bitch face alone is always mistaken for the mean girl. A scowl on my face obviously would only make the worse of it.

My co-worker and I finally made our way into the cafeteria, where tons of other my work mates had beaten us coming earlier. The small space was full house that day. "What are we eating today?" she asked.

"I'm good, I think." I gulped, looking at the crowded eating space. The cafeteria was located on the first floor, fully air-coned. I didn't know if it was due to the fact that it was mid-July-when the sun was on its peak-or it was just what happened when people of all levels gathered in such small space; but it was extremely warm in here. "I seriously don't feel like eating. Can we just get juice or something and go back already? It's boiling hot in here. I'm not eating and drinking sweat at the same time." I told her.

She scrunched her nose, scanning empty seats only to be greeted with disappointment when she could find none. "Can you please stop disgust me with your choices of words? I'm trying to get something to eat, like something that's actually edible. That will do well for my appetite, I think." She snapped.

I pouted, "Let's get takeaway or something. I'm really not eating here."

"Fine, fine, I will."

Both of us decided to just get tuna sandwich for lunch. It seemed like the simplest option within the limited options that could be packed for takeaway. Just as we were waiting in a queue to pay for the foods, I felt as if we were being watched. My suspicion was proved to be true when my eyes met a pair of familiar brown irises as I scanned the room. Expressionless as he could be, his eyes blaring into mine. I wonder what went around in his thick skull that he just had the nerve to stare into me like that.

I was the first to break the eye contact. Fishing my phone out from my purse, I quickly type to text him. Such a snob, all the-fudging-time.

He, too, broke the contact. His phone vibrated next to his plate on the table, lighted up; one new notification. He looked down and looked up again very quickly, eyes lighted up with joy. Come here you snobby ass. How dare you shooting laser out of your eyes from the other side of the room to your dearest me without walking your ass here. The text brought laughter to his form as he stood up from his seat, bid his friends a few words before striding right to where I was standing.

"Hey, there." He grinned.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance, "Hey, my arse. You can't even say hi to me in person if it wasn't for my text, you snobby rich kid wannabe." I snapped for the second time in span of half an hour.

He laughed, the kind of laughter that made his eyes narrow into thin single line. "Did you miss me that much? You're cranky when you miss me." He teased me, pulling his luck even further.

I narrowed my eyes at him, which made his laughter even worse. "Of course not, why would I miss you? I don't." I denied, little did he know I kind of missed his presence from the lack of us meeting.

He touched his chin, nodding though he wasn't thoroughly convinced with my answer. Trust me, I was nowhere near convinced with my answer as well, let alone him. "It's alright, I know how high your pride is and I know you miss me." He said, I kept silent. "It's been a couple of weeks I didn't see you here?"

"Ah, well, my division-we've been moved back to the headquarters. I'm here to meet the clients whose project I've been handling. So yeah, I'm never around anymore." I explained.

He frowned, "And to what extend your boss assigned you here? I mean, no offense, they usually only send the account officer for client meeting." He asked.

"Are you that unhappy seeing me here? Because I can just go back to my ex-office upstairs." I snapped. Now that you paid attention to I have snapped for like three times in very short span of time. Looking at it, Efrain really had the audacity to pull my strings and bend it over his liking. I hate him.

His laughter boomed to life, "God, Love, you really are missing me a little too much now, aren't you? But seriously though, I'd really like to know. I mean they don't usually send their content writer out of the office. Why now?"

"She said I began to look like a zombie because eventually staying in front of your computer screen for the whole day long can cause your skin to look dull. You know, lack of Vitamin D." I answered him, quoting what my boss had said. If you were asking whether things were true; I can guarantee you that I am not pale from the lack of vitamin D. I'm Asian, my skin burned under the sun to few shades darker instead of getting blotchy red like any other New Yorkers here. It was just what she said so I got out of the dungeon, really. Perhaps she started to worry I'd go nuts from looking at the same post its of things to revise for in my cubicle.

Efrain smiled, "That's ridiculous, but as ridiculous as it sounds I'm just glad to see you here. So, I'm not complain." He said nonchalantly, smile warmer than the temperature outside the building. Only if I wasn't under the central air-con fan, I would've melted into puddle of mushy chocolate at his smile. "Are you gonna stay for long?"

I shook my head, he pouted. "I'm done for the day and do not ask me when I'll be here. I don't do frequent client meeting. This is only a one-time thing."

"I know you're probably gonna be busy with tons of project you're dealing, but we really need to catch up soon. Just call me when you have time. Let's meet somewhere outside the work." I nodded, acknowledging the lack of time we had for ourselves in these last few months. He smiled softly, the kind of smile that make you weak on the knees. "Good luck with your project. I always knew you're gonna be great at this shit!" He remarked. His hand found a place on top of my head, ruffling my neatly styled hair that I spent nearly twenty minutes alone on it this morning. I should've been mad for his action, really. But I can't. I can't, when I was too busy to calm the raging heartbeat in my chest rather than the raging fire to be angry. I can't, when all that his hand touched burned with electricity so strong that I almost lunged into him, to hug him.

I stunned for a split second. Just when his co-worker called his name, only I had come back to life. "Take care, Love." He bid his goodbye, leaving me to after his co-worker because it was a few minutes past one and his lunch break was over.

"Connie, I paid your lunch already. Let's go." I nodded, legs barely wanted to walk away. How do I miss him already when he was just there less than a minute ago?

Truth UntoldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora