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POEM#2-I’m still here

We were the best of friends.

We told each other everything.

We were inseparable.

Then you found a new friend.

After that I meant nothing anymore.

You left me when I needed you most.

I counted on you to be there for me.

I depended on you.

I looked up to you for guidance.

I came to you for help.

You threw both our troubles back in my face.

You blamed me for everything.

You said everything was my fault.

I couldn’t make your choices for you.

You made your choices on your own.

You left those who needed you.

We had to fend for ourselves.

We tried to help you.

You just pushed us away.

Why is it that I’m the only one who cares?

Why am I the only one still here?

I am still here waiting on you.

I am still here trying to help you.

I’m not going anywhere.

I still have your back.

I’m still protecting you.

I’m still standing by your side.

No matter how mean you are to me I’m still here.

Stop pushing me away.

Stop fighting against me.

Let me fix this.                                                     

Let me make those mistakes right again.

Let me care for you again.

Let me be the loving caring friend for you again.

Let me help you get back home again.

Let me help you become you again.

Help me find my best friend again.

Help me find my brother.

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