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POEM#8-Our Memories

I watched as he injected himself with the unrelenting vermin he calls comfort.

As he inhaled the falsely sweet powder of serenity.

As he slowly drowned himself in the bottomless pit of desire.

I watch as over the years his eyes lost their shine.

As His skin lost its shine and grew darker.

As his face lost its shape and became hallow.

I missed him when he pushed everyone away; trying to pretend everything was okay.

As he struggled to survive day by day.

As he desperately tried and miserably failed to get his life back.

I listened to him. I listened as he told me the tails of his past.

As he told me the tails of his childhood.

As he told me the tails of true traumas no child should have to face alone.

I helped him get through each day.

As he fought the battle of what’s right and what’s wrong in his head.

As he tried to change.

I made him laugh every day.

As he sat in his room in solitary.

As he punished himself.

I thanked him for being the living proof for others.

For being able to turn his life around even when he was in the deepest pits of despair.

For always being able to be my best friend when I needed him.

For never giving up on himself or the others whom he unknowingly drug from the darkest of their times.

For saving those around him.

For loving those around him weather they loved him back or just used him.

I admired him for not letting his past consume him.

For being my rock when I wasn’t strong enough to handle life even though his life was hell compared to mine.

For being more forgiving of people than they deserved.

I watched him grow up.

I watched him change into the man he is today.

I missed him when he got lost those few long years.

I listened to him when he needed me to.

I helped him when he needed me to.

I made him do the things he had to.

I thanked him for remaining here with us.

I loved him even if he didn’t love me back.

I admired him for living, for overcoming that obstacle in his life.

Broken Lies (Poetry)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora