Paeton and April

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We take a couple more pictures when two girls stop Josh. They look about the same age as Jordy, but are a lot taller than her.

"OMG! Are you Joshua Colley?!" The first girl shouted, she runs over and asks for a picture. The second girl walks over to Lauren, Jordan and me.

"You're Cameron Colley right?" she asks. "I'm Paeton." she reaches out to shake my hand.

"Yeah, that's me." I say with a smile.

"You are really talented, would you mind if I get a picture with you?

"Not at all! You are so nice compared to some fans." I say with a playful glare towards Jordan
"Is that your girlfriend?" she laughs, "I'm Paeton like I said before." she introduced herself to Jordan.

"No, i'm not Cam's girlfriend but I'm Jordan, it's lovely to meet you."

"How do you know the Colleys?" Paeton asks her.

"Well, I DM'ed Cam about an interview for my website, we went for coffee, I interviewed him, then I forgot my key when my mom was gone, so he invited me over and then yeah. We became friends and now here we are."

"Sorry, if I'm staring, you look really familiar. Do I know you?" She asks her

"I don't think so, but I am a dancer, and I run a broadway fanpage. Maybe you know that?"

"Yeah, probably. I'm party.sippel. That's my fan page."

"Ooh! I follow that page. I'm seizingtheneverland."

'That is so cool! Look April and Josh are coming over here."

The two are walking over here. The girl Paeton called April looks ecstatic, where as Josh looks a bit awkward. April walks up to Lauren, Jordan Paeton and me.

"Who are you?" she says to Jordan ignoring Paeton, Lauren and me. "Are you Josh's girlfriend? I'm April."

'I'm Jordan and no I'm not Josh's girlfriend." She glances at him, but he isn't paying attention. "That's more of her department." She looks at Lauren who is blushing now.

"Hey! Let's all get a picture together!" I suggests. Jordan pulls out her phone and we call Josh over. We squish together and she takes the picture. I'm in front with Jordan and April with Josh, Lauren and Paeton in the back.

"Paeton, April, give me your numbers I will send you the picture." Jordan says to the two girls.

"(###)### ####"

"(###)### #### Thanks." Paeton says with a smile.

"You're welcome. I think we have to go now but you were really nice and cool. Feel free to dm or text me sometime." She responds

"Okay, bye." She says as April and her walk away into the theatre.

Met Her By The Stage Door (sequel to Meet Me By The Stage Door)Where stories live. Discover now