Out Again?

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Jordan picks me up around 2:45 and we drive to the York theatre. We get there a few minutes the call time, and find someone who can tell us where to go. A tall broad-shouldered man walks up to Jordan and I.

"Are you guys here for rehearsal?" He asks us.

"Yeah, do you know where we are supposed to go?"

"Down these stairs and then it should be the first room on the left. I'm Samuel, the security guard here."

"I'm Cameron, and this is Jordan." I say with a smile. The

We walk to the rehearsal room, and step inside. All at once, everyone's heads turn to look at Jordan and Me. She goes pale and then wobbles a little, she takes another step, and then her knees buckle and give out. She passes out into my arms. 

Met Her By The Stage Door (sequel to Meet Me By The Stage Door)Where stories live. Discover now