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We end rehearsal, and then Jordan goes to give Ruby a tour. The rest of us go out into the rehearsal room and wait for the duo to get back.

"RUBY!!! JORDY!!!" We all chorus.

"Who wants to sign my cast?" She asks quizzically

"I will!"

"Can I!"

"Who wrote Connor?"

"Who has a sharpie?"

"I've got a pink one."

"Whatever works!"

As they all sign her cast she pulls out her phone and shoots her mom a text. She looks up from her phone and tells everyone the good news.

"Okay guys! My mom said I could invite the entire cast over for a party! So, do you guys wanna come over?"

"Yeah! That sounds like fun! But what are we going to do with Miss Ruby here?" Emily says.

"I can tell my dad that you can drop me back off at the hospital. If you can drop me back off at the hospital."

"Yeah! We can! It's not too far out of the way to my house."

"I can drive you to the hospital." Emily says. "Jordy do you want to come along too?"

"Yeah. Cam, Sawyer can you go back to my house and help my mom clean up and set up?"

"How about everyone comes over at 7---"

"Yeah, that's fine. We'll walk." Sawyer says over me.

"So, we all have a half hour to get ready." I finish.

"That sounds great! See you all then!" Jordan says to everyone as they walk out of the theatre. 

Met Her By The Stage Door (sequel to Meet Me By The Stage Door)Where stories live. Discover now