6 - "Worry about it no longer."

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Y/N was hurrying along her way, still covered in dust and dirt and trying to get back to her room as fast as she could, but she heard someone shout her name. The voice was unmistakable, and she kept walking, hoping that by ignoring him he would go away.

He didn't.

She grumbled as Loki's servant Varin waved her down. She was already tired and worn out from the intense exercise that day, and Varin was definitely not one of the people she wanted to speak to at the moment. He ignored her hostile expression and called her name again as she reluctantly turned to face him.

"What now?" She asked dully. He gave her a look, noticing her bedraggled state. "Don't say anything." She stopped him before he could comment on it. "I'm aware of what I look like."

"Erm...alright then," he started, shaking his head slightly as if to clear his thoughts. "I've been looking for you- the Queen has requested that you come to her chambers."

Y/N dragged a hand across her face. "And you're the one who came to tell me this because...?"

"She's asked that all the Tjener be present, myself included."

That didn't sound good. She couldn't think of a reason that wasn't somehow bad that would require every personal servant of the royal family to be there at the same time. She groaned, covering her face with her hands.

"Dear mercy— do you think I have time to change?"

"I mean, you could...but Leith and Killian are already there. You would be the last one to arrive if you did."

The thought of arriving late to something important like this was bad enough, but showing up as she was now was worse. She shook her head, waving him away with one hand. "I would rather be late than go in looking like this. Go on, I'll be there in a few minutes."

Varin hesitated for a moment, but then shrugged and jogged off in the opposite direction. Feeling just a tiny bit more stressed than before, she picked up her pace. Each time her feet touched the floor her heart seemed to beat in sync with it, growing faster as she quickly moved up the stairs and to her room.

Her mind whirled with possibilities as she readied herself, brushing out the tangles in her hair and changing into a thinner, more silky dress that was the color of the sea. She glanced at the bath, longing for an hour of free time to relax in hot water, but alas there were more pressing matters to take care of at the moment.

She left her room and made her way to Frigga's chambers, almost tripping over her skirts in her hurry. When she arrived at the tall doors, the two soldiers nodded to her and stepped aside to allow her access. The girl entered the room, her hands clutching the fabric at her sides anxiously as her footsteps echoed. She noticed Varin first who had been continuously glancing back at the door; the other Tjener were standing near him, their hands clasped in front of them respectfully as they faced the Queen and King.

Y/N approached the others, her already red cheeks brightening with color as the five...no— seven? She hadn't seen the princes when she had come in, but they were standing a bit behind their parents, looking at her along with the rest of them.

Odin's beard— was Loki laughing?

The amount of eyes on her was making her extremely uncomfortable and she could have sworn that she felt a bead of sweat roll down her face.

"Ah, there you are Y/N," Frigga greeted warmly as her maiden joined the other Tjener, copying their position. The girl bowed her head, not wanting to meet eyes with anyone.

"My apologies my Queen," she said timidly. Both Loki and Thor were finding her embarrassment amusing; they were the reason she was late anyway.

"Worry about it no longer," Frigga reassured, her soft smile causing Y/N to relax just a little. "I'm sure you three got along alright." The girl's eyes immediately went to Odin, but his stoic expression didn't change.

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