Gemini Part *1*

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1) Gemini thinks too much.

2) As a Gemini, you're extremely independent so anyone who thinks they can control you is going to have a problem.

3) Gemini is most likely to speak up to defend you in your time of need.

4) Gemini can make friends with anyone, they're just cool like that.

5) It doesn't take much to make a Gemini happy, but it takes even less to make them mad.

6) A Gemini blowing up at you can seem weird because 20 minutes ago everything was all good.

7) They can be having the most fun and then suddenly want to go home.

8) More than anything a Gemini needs a strong mental connection with someone and they don't find this too often in life.

9) If it wasn't for the fact that the body naturally falls asleep, Gemini would be up all day thinking...and thinking.

10) Geminis spots the little things about a person that others miss.

11) As a Gemini, you always pay attention to what people do, because a person's actions are much more important than their words.

12) Geminis are the type that's comfortable with being single because they don't need someone to make them happy. They got themselves.

13) Even If a Gemini is going through the worst of times, they keep going because they know there's a light at the end of the tunnel

14) A hurt stressed or all around annoyed Gemini will shut everything and everyone out.

15) Gemini prefers meaningful relationships over "fly by night" senseless encounters.

16) Gemini = often misunderstood.

17) Their personality is half "cool as fuck", and half "what the fuck?"

18) Gemini will argue vehemently for what they believe to be true.

19) One of the good things about Gemini is that they don't "overreact" to things. They play it cool, even if they're calling you all kinds of names on the inside.

20) Geminis don't do temporary relationships

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