Gemini Part *2*

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1) Gemini will never fully let anyone in.

2) Gemini has a strong dislike towards anything boring.

3) Geminis aren't afraid to admit when they are wrong because they know nobody is perfect.

4) As flirtatious as they can be, Geminus do not do temporary relationships. You're either in or you're out.

5) Loving a Gemini is both a complicated and rewarding experience. They know how to test you but also how to love you like no other.

6) The Gemini will win, always.

7) When Geminis are good, they are attractive. When they are bad, they are very attractive.

8) Gemini is a secret manipulator (They always get their own way without a scene).

9) A Gemini won't fight for your attention so if you ignore them it will be your loss and someone else's gain.

10) Geminis suffer from moodiness, however, they hide this from close friends and family as they want to appear happy all the time.

11) Nobody, and I mean nobody, switches up their moods faster than a Gemini.

12) Gemini will give you the world on a silver platter until you show them you're not worthy.

13) They can tell pretty quickly if you're their cup of tea..or not.

14) For all their talk, Geminis are surprisingly shy.

15) If you broke or at the least put a dent in a Geminis trust, no words of assurance can ever bring your relationship to how it was before.

16) Geminis are monogamous and take their romantic love relationships very seriously. Gemini people enjoy life more when they are in a committed relationship where they can have someone to share life and all their quirkiness with.

17) Gemini is only aggressive when they feel like it's necessary.

18) Geminis don't fall in love easily, but they do make people fall in love with them easily.

19) Two things about a Gemini that can make a relationship with them hard-they can be stone cold at times and they flip flop a lot.

20) Gemini is always craving for someone to laugh with.

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