Interesting Gemini Facts

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1. Gemini is a dreamer always yearning for their perfect love to arrive.

2. Once a Gemini comes in your life, you should do everything in your power to make them stay

3. Gemini has the best minds of the zodiac.

4. Gemini may merely be interacting due to an inherent need & not necessarily because they are especially interested.

5. Gemini won't ever go out their way to make...

themselves look good. Either you like them or you don't.

6. The average Gemini loses 2-4 hours of sleep each night due to over thinking.

7. When a Gemini is focused, nothing will stand in their way. It will be their two minds against your one & odds are not in your favor.

8. Gemini has no concept of time but their own. They will arrive when they see fit!

9. Geminis are often just as interested in collecting information as they are in sharing it expect them to know everything about you.

10. If you love a Gemini, it's YOU who has to adjust to their crazy schedule.

11. Gemini's hate being wrong.

12. Gemini can go from zero to sixty and right back to zero before you knew what hit you.

13. Gemini speak their mind because they want to, not because they have to. We're used to telling it like it is. Trust me.

14. Gemini's don't even know how they spend their days. They just fly by!

15. Gemini gets knocked down and get right back up. Resilient is their middle name.

16. A Gemini woman can be intensely romantic once you know how to push all the right buttons.

17. Gemini is like a Transformer: they pack more than meets the eye.

18. Ask a Gemini how they feel and they will avoid the question. They are tricky like that.

19. Gemini rarely dwells too much on the past & overcomplicate things.

20. Gemini is a sign that cant be compared.

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