Gemini Part *5*

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1) Geminis are curious beings and go after new information. While this is great, they often end up as a 'know it all' that then completes people's sentences before what they really want to say. When this becomes very frequent, it starts to annoy people but Geminis continue to do so anyway!

2) Geminis are lively creatures. Due to their curious nature, they indulge in the arts and academic with equal fervor. Hence, as parents, they have a lot to share with their kids. They encourage them to read and let their imagination take over. Interesting discussions with the child helps to stimulate their learning further.

3) Geminis are really smart people but they are easily bored. They have a tough time completing a hobby if they lose interest midway. Also, they are quick learners and grasp new ideas faster than the others but one needs to really hold their attention for this else all will be lost.

4) The Lily of the Valley is the healing flower for Geminis. For a mercurial Gemini, who is one person for a minute and shifts to someone else the next, this flower helps in clearing the mind and stay calm!

5) The healing gemstone for Gemini is an agate. A brown Agate helps develop a grounded nature for the flighty Gemini whereas a blue agate helps ease mental tensions and helps maintain the fine balance between emotional well-being, continuity in relationships and peace.

6) While Geminis are collectors of information and very intelligent, they don't delve deep into any subject. They prefer to be the jack of all trades but master of none. They prefer to skim the surface and not dig deep. This habit is very alarming.

7) With their dual personality, Geminis are often considered two-faced. Mingling and meeting many people, their actual intentions are lost in translation and people feel there is no depth to them nor are they true friends. But this is not the truth.

8) Geminis love parties and get-togethers! Attending parties and meeting people fulfills their purpose in life. They are the type of people who have several groups of friends - school, college, chess club, office, cycling buddies and so on. They are truly social butterflies.

9) With so much information and a thirst for new knowledge, a Gemini makes a great storyteller. They have many experiences to share and therefore, there is never a dull moment in their life! They make good writers too, drawing allusions from various aspects of their experiences.

10) Gemini, often known as the twins of the zodiac or the messenger amongst the sun signs, have the unique gift of being blessed with a dual type of a mind, i.e. someone who can view both sides of questions and jumps at the idea of doing something new every chance they get!

11) When a Gemini falls in love, it is because they are enamored by their new lover. They want to make them feel important and want to be the top-most priority in the life of their lovers but there is a condition to this - they don't want to face commitment. This means they want to come and go as per their own convenience.

12) When a Gemini is angry about one thing in particular, it can make them think about all the bad things they're going through, making them very depressed.

13) Geminis treat people exactly how they treat them, so if you're consistent, they will be too. If you put no effort in, neither will they!

14) Geminis don't like to ask for help; they believe they can do everything on their own.

15) Lack of patience is one of the most distinctive personality traits of a Gemini.

16) Most people only see the happy side of Gemini, because that's how they want things to be.

17) Passionate and dynamic, a Gemini is a stick of dynamite just waiting to go off.

18) A Gemini laughs all the time, for everything. They might even snicker when they're mad as hell.

19) You can always spot a Gemini by their laughter. They have a certain deposition that keeps them smiling and laughing even if they're having a fucked up day.

20) Geminis motto: "I'm a simple person with a complicated mind" Their brain works with them and against them.

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