Pranks, Wrong Houses, And Scary, Black Dragons

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"Morning, Pop!"

I just stopped by Pop's cottage. Pop is just standing outside in his garden, doing farmwork. He's harvesting his new batch of strawberries, which he'll be using to make his amazing stawberry sugar recipe. His strawberry sugar sells quite fast in the market.

"Mornin', Jeanette!" He calls out to me.

While I enjoy stopping by Pop's house every now and then to see him, this time, I'm here on a mission.

I'm going to find out where the devil lives.

"Sooo, Pop, by any chance is Lucas dropping by today?" I ask, trying to hide the curiosity and mischief in my tone.

"Why yes, he'll be coming in the afternoon to milk my cows," Pop says as he picks his last strawberry off the bush.

Okay, so here's my plan.

When Lucas comes by Pop's house, I'll get up into my apple tree to watch him work. Once he's done, I'll get off and follow him back to his house as quietly as I can. Once I'm there, I'll grow tons of Snappers in his garden (more about the plant later). Then I'll leave.

Now, about this special plant. Snappers are prank plants that you can grow in your friend's or nemesis' yard. They grow to full size within a matter of seconds. They look like ordinary garden weeds, but once you touch them, you feel a sharp prick on your skin. This is followed by a snappin sound made by the plant. Not only that, but sometimes (and this happens quite often) they can grow around a flower or a crop and snap its head off.

I know, not epic enough, but what do you expect me to do? Set his house on fire?

Actually, now come to think about it, that doesn't sound too bad...

But I might get arrested.

"How long will he be here?" I ask Pop.

"Oh, not long. He just needs to milk the cows and then he'll be done," Pop says, "Why do you ask?"

"Oh, uh, nothing at all!" I say, a small giggle rising up my throat. But then I supress it. Can't let Pop know about my plans, now can I?

  Pop looks at me with slight suspicion, but since I'm usually not the one who is usually up to mischief, he shakes it off and walks back into his cottage to make his strawberry sugar.

  I shift in my boots thinking about my sweet revenge on Lucas. While it's not the most devilish thing I could come up with, it will suffice for now. 'Sides, those snaps are pretty painful.

"I'll be off now, Pop!" I yell, turning my heels away.

"Okay, sweetie,!" Pop yells back from inside the cottage.

"Bye, Pop!" I yell back.

I walk back into the direction of my cottage. I dig my hands into my pockets and fiddle around. I can feel the tiny Snapper seeds in my pocket shift around my fingers. Thankfully Snappers in its seed form don't snap. Otherwise, by now I would've brought hell to earth.

I enter my cottage and walk into the kitchen to continue making the apple pies I was supposed to deliver. I had to kindly explain to my clients, who were on the verge of explosion, that the order had to be delayed due to unexpected events.

  I grab some dough and work on my pies until I managed to make five pies. Half of the order complete. I look outside to see the bright aftrnoon sun shining in my face...

  And then I notice a tall, man figure walk into Pop's house.

  It's time.

  I quickly scramble out the door and grab my yellow ladder. I prop the ladder up against the apple tree and climb it. Once I reach the top, I quickly cover myself up with some leaves so that neither Pop nor Lucas would see me.

The Annoying PrinceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora