Liz's Loyal On Top of Everything...

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Liz's Loyal On Top of Everything
ALheim (ALO)

Asuna and Kirito could be faintly seen atop one of the large mushrooms, Asuna casually sitting between Kirito's legs while leaning back against one of his knees with her eyes closed and her head tilted up toward the sun. They looked as stuck in their own world as usual.

"They're so into each other..." Silica chirped with faint amusement.

"It's not fair darn it." Liz grumbled, crossing her arms over her chest

"Now now," Leafa chuckled with a roll of her eyes.

"Doesn't matter if they're at school or here, they can't keep their hands off each other." Liz huffed irritably.

"Ugh, you mean they're like this at school too?" Leafa asked half gawking.

"All day every day." Silica chirped.

"Although usually not to this extent, they usually aren't this casual with each other at school." Liz sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, "I guess it's because they were you know, married in SAO."

Leafa tilted her head as she sat down on the grass, sitting side saddle as they waited for the monsters to respawn. "How long were they married in game?"

Liz plopped down on the grass as well, followed by Silica, "nobody really knows the exact date the two got married since all everyone knows is that Kirito was almost killed by a traitor in the KoB and then they vanished from their guild for two weeks. But Asuna had spent the majority of the two years dividing her time between grinding XP, working for her guild, and developing a relationship with Kirito." She snorted and rolled her eyes, "Kirito's rumored expression when he actually saw Asuna for the first time was awe and being dumbfounded."

Leafa blinked, "Kirito told me he met Asuna during a meeting for the first boss, so was he shocked there?"

Silica giggled and shook her head, "nuh uh, Asuna supposedly used to wear a hooded cloak everywhere to keep attention away from her."

"Asuna's infamous cloak caught an attack from the first-floor boss," Liz smirked, unable to help a smirk at the topic, her best friend really was strange, plus she had a lot of fun talking about or teasing Kirito. "During the fight she narrowly dodged an attack, leaving her cloak to shatter into a million pieces and revealing her face and hair."

Silica giggled, "even Liz knows that Asuna's the only girl he'll ever love like he loves her." Silica smiled at her friend in a goofy manner, "even if she still has a crush on him."

Liz harrumphed and crossed her arms over her chest, "anyway, Kirito had adopted this funny looking awed expression while Asuna still had the sparkling shards of her cloak around her or whatever. But back to the original question," she put a finger to her chin in thought. "I think it was some time in October because they didn't go to me to fix their weapons after Kirito was nearly killed and I couldn't find Asuna at her place in Selmburg when I went to check on her."

Liz looked up at Asuna and Kirito and sighed softly, she really didn't have much of a chance against Asuna now did she? First impressions were everything, and Kirito had met Asuna during a boss raid and first got a good look at her while she was charging a boss sword first and nearly surrounded with the fading shards of her cloak. Liz's irises change color to a green and yellow shade as she used a sensory skill to properly see Asuna and Kirito through the mushroom they were on. At the moment they were quiet and peaceful, Yui chasing a butterfly of sorts in her human form, Kirito laying on his back with Asuna sitting between his legs. Her friendship with Asuna was worth more than her crush on Kirito, but Liz still felt the occasional bout of jealousy toward her friend. She wanted a guy that would travel VR worlds to save her too, someone with that amount of loyalty and love. She blinked when a message blinked on her screen in front of her face.

It was from Asuna, Something wrong?

Not really, why? Liz quickly responded while Silica and Leafa were talking to each other.

Kirito can feel your sensory skill...

Oh. Liz noticed Asuna stand up and move to get off of the large mushroom and hastily typed another message, you don't have to get up, just musing about the past, that's all.

Is it about Kirito? Asuna responded but Liz saw her sit down next to Kirito on her knees, making more space between them and easing Liz's jealousy to a trickle.

Liz hesitated, she could lie and brush it off, or tell her friend the truth, we were talking about his rumored reaction to you losing your cloak and hood in that boss fight. Her fingers hesitated on the holographic keyboard before she gave a soft sigh and added on another piece, Asuna enjoy yourself with him, he's here, your parents aren't, and if rumors are true he's converting games right?

Yeah, not happy about it but yeah.

Then go on, lay in the grass and take a nap Lightning Flash, Liz playfully called Asuna by her nickname in SAO, He's leaving in what, twenty minutes? You can just join us after he leaves.

Thx Liz, I owe you, again.

"Liz?" Liz blinked and looked over at Leafa who had called her name, "you're acting just as spacy as Asuna."

Liz rolled her pink colored eyes, "well I was talking to her, maybe her spaciness is rubbing off on me." She gazed at the mushroom again, only to see Asuna take her advice and actually lay down on the mushroom next to Kirito. By the way a moment later Liz saw Kirito playing with Asuna's hair Asuna was already asleep. Liz's vision returned to normal when she blinked once more and leaned back on her arms, half closing her eyes.

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