Back In The Real World... Wheelchair Race!

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I couldn't help but include Argo in this one, I have a plan with her character and while she may seem rather OOC, I don't really have a lot to go off of... But anyway, enjoy! :D

Back In The Real World... Wheelchair Race!

(Part 1 of 2: Back In The Real World)

"Take your time silly," Liz snorted as Asuna winced when her movements pinched her still stiff shoulders. Asuna had been pulling on a half sleeve jacket over her mid-thigh length deep red dress of ensemble. She was finally meeting everyone from SAO, after spending six months in Sugo's clutches she was excited to finally get out of the hospital and see her friends. Friends she had developed in the life of SAO, and somewhere in deep in her mind, SAO was still her home. "You've been asleep for three and a half years Asuna. It took us all almost a month just to get up and for our arms to support our weight properly, and you've had what two or three weeks of therapy and you're already doing that?" Liz moved around the hospital bed and gently slid Asuna's right arm through the white half sleeve jacket. "Even being able to actively move your arms and legs like you can right now is a miracle." Once she finished with the sleeve she moved around the bed to Asuna's front to straighten it the jacket out for her.

Asuna adopted a rather impatient expression, "I want to finally meet everyone Liz!" her eyes widened at the slip of using Liz's SAO name instead of her real name, "I mean Rika."

Liz's lips turned up into a slight smile, "you really have a problem using our avatar names don't ya Lighting Flash." She teased her lightly with Asuna's SAO nickname. Once she deemed the jacket straight she tugged the ribbon under Asuna's shirt collar straight and examined her friend with a half critical eye. Asuna was still pretty thin, having lost even more of her weight than the others had of theirs because of her prolonged experience, but for being in a coma for three years she looked amazing. It would take time for her to regain her strength and recover from all of the other ill effects from the NerveGear induced coma, but Liz knew Asuna would be fine. Especially after how hard she was working already just weeks after waking up. Even then, Asuna was as radiant as she had been in game in SAO, something even Liz had to agree with.

"I'm sorry, L-Rika!" Asuna hastily apologized, she was leaning back on her arms her arms softly trembling as she fought to stay upright by herself without letting Liz help her. She was stubbornly refusing to let her friends help her do the small tasks she could actively do by herself with only a few exceptions of the people, Kirito being one of them.

Liz laughed, "Liz is fine Asuna," she rested her hand on her friend's shoulder. "I met you as Liz, and you've known me as Liz for a few years now." She knelt down and grasped one of Asuna's ankles with the intention of helping her put on the white boots that were lying on the floor. "Habits like that don't change for a long time. Plus," she grinned and started to help Asuna with the boots, "we all slip up and call each other by our SAO names half the time. It'll take a long time us all to stop calling each other by those."

"That's who we are at heart." Another voice spoke from the doorway and both girls looked over to see a brunette a few years older than Asuna with shoulder-length curly brown hair and hazel-green eyes (her eye color and hair color is so freaking debated on! Is it blonde or brown, and green or hazel?! In Progressive, she's a brunette, but in the anime and manga half the time she's blonde, and her eye color isn't really stated -_-) that even in the real world shone with a slight smirk and had an expression that hinted at her sharp mind. Like she had all the information in the world. "Argo, Liz, and Asuna," the person approached in a light-footed stride that hinted at her SAO days as a highly agile player. "The information broker, blacksmith, and swordswoman," Argo said with a light smile

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