I Want to Go Back! SAO Is My Home! AU

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I Want to Go Back! SAO Is My Home! AU

"You're getting a break!" Liz suddenly told Asuna who was sitting at one of the tables in Agil's cafe with school supplies surrounding her everywhere. "You're going to strain your eyeballs Asuna and then you'll have to wear those dorky glasses everywhere." She grasped Asuna's left arm and moved to tug her away from the pile of books, "come on, we're having a sleepover at my house starting right now!"

Asuna tugged her arm from Liz's grip, her reading not faltering once as she continued to study. "Leave me alone Liz," the long-haired girl grumbled and picked up her school tablet's stylus once again.

Liz felt a little bad, she had heard that Asuna and Kirito had had a fight about something or other and that Kirito had gone camping with his aunt and sister right after. So Asuna no doubt felt terrible as of right now and had since Wednesday. So she temporarily gave up and sat down across from Asuna with her chin resting on her hands, watching her.

Asuna studiously picked up her stylus and continued to fill out the assignment she was working on, working out the math problems without too much of a struggle and barely touching her calculator.

Okay, now Liz knew she felt really, really, bad. Asuna was known for her rather large expansive vocabulary and mind behind her tsundere personality and good looks, and yet Liz had noticed she had a habit of not using it unless she really wanted to. So she was used to Asuna using a calculator when she wasn't in the mood to really take her time or occupy her mind. "What's on your mind Suna?" she asked, using a nickname she had had for Asuna back in SAO, which had ended just over six months ago. It was still weird not being in SAO, where she got up every morning, said hello to the other inhabitants of the cabins on floor twenty-two, eat whatever Asuna had prepared for breakfast that morning, lingered around till about two unless they did a quest, and walked casually across to the street to her blacksmith shop where she made people smile with new weapons or made repairs for weapons. Even then, Liz knew she had nothing compared to what Asuna had had in the game and no doubt missed. Sure, she and the others, Sugu, Silica, Sinon (borrowing some of the Hollow Realization facts :P), Argo, and sometimes the hacker Caylee, were brought together to one place under Asuna and Kirito's direction for safety reasons, but it wasn't like they were just like them. Asuna and Kirito were married for a year in the three-year long game and had adopted Yui, their daughter. So Liz had little idea what they went through beyond the funny moments and little things she had witnessed herself before and after they were a couple and married.

Liz had to bit her tongue to keep from laughing. She and Kirito had returned late from fighting the dungeon for the ingot for his new sword, and it looked like he had messed up which room was his. But it looked like he was already aware of that, judging by the rather nervous and scared expression the Black Swordsman had on his face at the moment. His eyes were wide open and staring now at Liz, not sure what to do, and Liz didn't blame him.

Asuna was asleep next to him, with her back to his chest and her head resting on his upper arm. Her feet were tangled with his and her arms were curled around his arm near his wrist with a pillow wedged between her arms and pushed against her front. Kirito seemed to have had his free arm around her waist but had tried to remove it only to freeze in place. However, Asuna looked extremely comfortable stretched out in Kirito's embrace with his body heat keeping her warm with the blanket tangled at her ankles and partway off the bed.

Liz put her hands over her mouth to stifle her giggles, this was priceless. Asuna had shyly admitted to her a little while ago after lots of begging and pleading that she was in love with Kirito, but she hadn't found out if it was just one-sided or Kirito loved her too. Which despite Liz's crush on Kirito, would be the best thing ever.

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