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It had been over four and a half months since Ethan Montgomery and Luna Epperson ended their relationship yet, somehow, it was still a big topic around Altis High School- mainly because of what people 'knew' to be the reason for their break-up.

It was all bullshit - Ethan claimed that they split because he 'found out' that Alex and Luna had been going behind his back. It was terrible and the farthest thing from the truth but almost everyone sided with him.

What do you expect? He's the school's best football player and easily one of the most popular kids in their year. He had mostly everyone wrapped around his finger and it made Luna sick to her stomach.

Her life changed drastically in just a few, short months. Little-by-little, she watched as her circle of friends excluded her completely, her weekends that used to be spent with company now remain lonely, and smiles that used to greet her in the hallways became sticky and judgmental glances.

It affected her more than she'd like to admit; she couldn't believe that he was barely getting any shit for actually cheating on her but she was taking a whole tumble down because of hearsay. She was so heartbroken, but the worse part is how no one can seem to see her the same way - it's like she'd turned into some kind of villain.

Because of Ethan, Luna had become invisible - to everyone except, of course, Alex. He'd taken the fall - willingly- with her. He never tires defending and fighting anyone who talked badly even though that probably doesn't make their situation look any better.

"Ms. Epperson, are you paying attention?"

With her name suddenly called out, Luna, surprised, quickly looks away from the wide classroom window she had been peering out of.

Her History teacher, Mr. Coleman, had a graying eyebrow cocked up while his beady eyes behind thick reading glasses narrow, obviously peeved with her obvious lack of attention. Her face begins to blush as she's immediately aware of the attention centering on her.

Trying to moisten her lips, she notes how dry her mouth felt. It's going to be hard to talk when it feels like she just ate a spoonful of sand. "Sorry sir, wh-what was the question again?" She swallows, her voice soft but also being the only definitive noise in the room.

He lets out a small, miffed heave before repeating the question, "In World War I, which German attack provoked Britain to go to war?"

'Fuck!' She mentally curses herself. She bites down on her tongue, her brain frantically thinking for the answer but coming up short. Thoroughly embarrassed, she was about to tell her teacher she didn't know but a quiet mumble from behind her made her stop.

"Belgium," a boy whispered, his raspy voice in her left ear. Luna pauses, sufficiently surprised. "Belgium," He repeats again, probably thinking she didn't hear him.

Snapping out of her daze, she blinks a few times before speaking.

Someone helped her?

"Belgium. The, uh, attack on Belgium, sir," She clears her throat, not even taking a second to speculate if the answer was a gag to embarrass her further. Mr. Coleman gives her an unreadable look before giving a single nod, in which she deflates with solace.

He turns to face the chalkboard again, "Yes, it was the attack on Belgium-" he confirms, resuming his scribbling, "-but I don't think you knew that yourself. Next time, Mr. Trinidad, let inattentive students suffer their consequences."

And with that, the class snickered. Luna wasn't fazed though - not one bit. She was too taken with the fact that Nathan Trinidad just saved her.

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