Chapter 2

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The guys and I are all finished with our food. So now we are just sitting and talking.

I keep finding Isaiah staring at me and I blush every time I look his way. He is very handsome.

Brendan and Allen are arguing with Alex about anime. I hear Tokyo Ghoul is trash and I get a little offended.

"Who said it?" I look at them with playful anger in my eyes.

Alex points at Brendan, I look at Brendan and he gulps.

"Firstly" I said smiling "I can agree on that but only with the third season it was absolutely terrible, but the first two no way in hell they are bad" I say

"I agree, they did Kaneki so wrong" Alex says

Brendan just shrugs his shoulders and smiles.

Then they go back to arguing.

I giggle and start to play with my fingers. I can feel Isaiah staring at me.

"You okay?" Isaiah asks me

I nod my head. "Yes I'm fine" I say smiling

"Your smile is very beautiful" he says I blush

"Uh uh thank you" I nervously say

He chuckles. I look at the time and it's 10:14

"Hey uh guys it's getting late and I have to get home to my kids" I say

They all stop and stare at me but Kevin. I giggle because they probably think I'm talking about humans.


"Moron they are animals" Kevin say shaking his head

I bust out laughing. They all look dumbfounded.

"What kind of animals" Allen asks

"Well I have two ferrets, Bemo and Lemon, and I have two chzech wolf dogs, Ace and Five" I smile thinking of my babies

"How did you get chzech wolf dogs?" Allen ask

"I first worked at an vet as an intern and this lady had two. A female and male. The female was pregnant and wasn't trying to give birth because she was scared. My boss wanted to do surgery but True wasn't having it. She backed into a corner and didn't come out. I went in the room with her alone. I was in their talking to her for 2 hours and then she just layed her head on me and gave birth. The owner gave me two puppies for helping." I said smiling

"that's cool" Brendan says smiling

"My best friend is the best" Alex says smiling

I just giggle.

"Yea we gotta go to it is getting late and some of us needs to go to sleep" Kevin says looking Alex.

Alex pouts and I find it so cute. I look at Kevin and he has the look like...I don't know...a wierd look?

I nod "I need to go to sleep too" but I know when I get home I'm not going to sleep. I'm going to play.

"Hey Niyah can we get your number" Isaiah asks

I'm a little surprised but ok. I nod. I waited for everyone to get their phone out.
"My number is 980-098-9898, text me your name so I know who is who" I say

They all nod and my phone starts dinging. I start to get up to through my trash away. I walk to the trash can and throw everything away. I walk back to the table and put my backpack on.

Everyone else is throwing their things away. I smile and start walking to my car.

"Wait best friend" Alex yells running to me.

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