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"every night i fall asleep just so i can see you in my dreams."
- maggie lindemann ; knocking on your heart

"what happened, corbyn?" zach asked him as he helped him stand up.

"a- amanda, is at th- the hospital." he stuttered. "i don't know what happened but they said we had to be there as soon as possible."

corbyn broke down in tears. zach didn't say anything, he just grabbed his keys and told samantha to stay with the two kids. he did not told her where they were going, which only left sam even more worried.

once they arrived there, corbyn grew more anxious. he didn't even know if her wife of almost 11 years now was alive.

"we're here for amanda besson." zach said trying to comfort corbyn.

"follow me, please."

both followed the nurse. corbyn looked around, everything about hospitals gave him bad vibes, and he hated being there. but he couldn't care less about it. all he wanted to know what where was maddy.

finally they got to where the nurse was leading them to. it was a huge door at the end of the hall. a doctor came out and the nurse left.

"corbyn, right?" the doctor asked as he checked the papers he had on his hands.

corbyn simply nodded.

"amanda had a really bad accident. she is awake, but she's in a really complicated status. we have her on intensive care right now."

corbyn's eyes filled with even more tears. he felt like everything was his fault. amanda and him had a discussion over the phone, and she hung up on him. after that, he received the call from the hospital.

his mind filled with thought such as 'this is all my fault.' 'i'm so stupid'. with all the voices in his head he didn't notice that he was crying in zach's arms.

he quickly pulled away, and wiped away his tears.

"you can see her. one at the time. room 146."

with that the doctor walked away, leaving the two young adults alone.

"what are you waiting for, corbyn? go in." zach said as he patted corbyn's back.

corbyn walked in. he was scared to death. he kept on walking until he finally found the room that his beautiful wife was at.

"hey baby." he said with a little voice crack as he walked in.

"hi, corbs." amanda spoke weakly.

she had wires all over her. her left arm and right leg had broke, just as corbyn's heart at the sight.

"this is all my fault baby, please forgive me." corbyn started crying once again as he hugged maddy.

"this is not your fault, love. sure, we were arguing, but it has nothing to do with this." she smiled weakly. "please do me a favour..."


"take care of my babies. move on. be happy. but never forget me." amanda said, her voice getting weaker and weaker as every word escaped her mouth.

"mads, don't say that. you'll be fine. please don't leave me."

"as much i want to stay with you, i can't. it's time for me to go. i love you corbyn." she said in whispers.

"i love you more, but stay please! don't do this to me baby!" corbyn was crying and shaking uncontrollably as he watched the love of this life close her eyes in front of him.

all the machines started to go off, and doctors ran into the room. corbyn was pulled out of the room, but he couldn't even see who pulled him because of him uncontrollable crying.

he just kept screaming and begging amanda to stay.

fifteen minutes passed. it felt like fifteen hours to corbyn. he just kept walking around the waiting room, constants rubbing his hands on his eyes, hoping everything was a dream.

"corbyn besson?" a doctor called out. corbyn basically ran to where the doctor was.

"we did everything we could. i'm sorry, but amanda passed away."

corbyn's vision started to get blurried. he heard familiar muffled voices, but he couldn't really see anything.

"corbyn no!" was the last thing he heard before everything went black.

word count; 686


author's note;

i hate myself for doing this.

sorry if they're any spelling mistakes. this is kind of rushed bc i need to do an essay for school lol.

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