f o u r

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" can't you see that i'm falling? "
- why don't we ; falling

weeks had passed by since amanda's death. corbyn acted normal when he was around his kids, zach and sam, as well as the other boys, but when the night came, he cried himself to sleep.

he kept on blaming himself for what happened to maddy. it wasn't going to be easy for corbyn to get over the death of his wife of almost eleven years. he truly loved her.

the day had come. it was amanda's funeral, and corbyn definitely wasn't ready.

corbyn slowly walked down the stairs, to find jonah and jack playing with aniya and jack besson. both of corbyn's friends noticed his bloodshot red eyes, and quickly walked towards him, then giving him a huge hug.

the curly headed boy felt corbyn sob into his neck, which caused him to hug the fake blond even tighter. soon enough, he felt two pairs of tiny arms wrap around his legs. he looked down to find aniya and jack hugging his legs, since they were extremely short.

corbyn smiled at the two as he picked up aniya, and then picked up jack as well. he gave them both a kiss on the forehead, and placed them back to the floor, so they could all have breakfast together.

jonah decided to finally break the silence that filled the room.

"eben and i made some pancakes. i really hope you enjoy them." just as the words came out of jonah's mouth, eben came out of the bathroom.

"i heard my name." eben let out a low chuckle as he kissed jonah's cheek, and whispered a quick 'i love you' into jonah's ear, making him blush slightly. "hey, bro."

eben patted corbyn's back and gave him a small smile.

the eight ate in silence. everyone was in pain. they had to see amanda's body today, and of course, nobody was used to see her lifeless.

after they all finished, jonah and jack washed the dishes. when they were done, they headed to amanda's funeral, the beautiful woman who corbyn had always been proud of calling his wife.

"jonah, i don't think i'm ready." corbyn nervously said as they all got out of the car.

"we'll be there with you if anything happens. it'll be fine, i promise." he gave him a reassuring smile.

they entered the building to find a lot of people, but the person who corbyn spotted first, was samantha, amanda's sister, who was with zach.

he rushed over to her and gave her a very tight hug.

"i miss her, corbs." samantha said sobbing.

"i miss her too."

after about five minutes of silence, the ceremony for amanda started. corbyn didn't look at his wife's dead corpse at all, he was too scared. samantha said what she had to say, and then it was corbyn's turn.

"good morning. thanks for coming today, it means a lot to all of us." corbyn sighed before continuing. "amanda was a great woman. she changed me in a great way. she teached me how to love. i was totally in love with her. i can't live without her. the past days have been absolute hell. i can't sleep, not even a second, just because i don't have her by my side. it's impossible to not blame myself when i promised her to keep her safe no matter what. i wanna tell her family that i'm deeply sorry, i really wanted to protect her, but i didn't. i was such a bad husband, and i'm sorry. i'm deeply sorry, from the bottom of my heart. thank you. and amanda, baby... if you're hearing this thanks for everything, and i'm sorry. i love you with all my heart."

corbyn was crying uncontrollably, which caused his children to cry as well. almost everyone who was there was in tears.

as all funerals, a priest was there, and of course, he had to speak some words.

"i want to tell you, this is not anyone's fault, corbyn. this is destiny. it was her time. god knows everything."

some more words were said, which corbyn didn't pay attention to. all he could think about was maddy, and only maddy.

"may god have you in his glory, amanda. fligh high, angel."

"no, don't go please! don't leave me alone!" corbyn shouted as he broke down in even more tears if it was even possible.

he burried his face in his palms as he rocked back and forth, and repeated the same sentences.

he couldn't accept that amanda was gone. the love of his life was gone, and he didn't want to believe it.

word count; 774


author's note;

i hate myself for writing this type of stories.

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