VII [m]

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[Han Jihoon]

Empty darkness engulfed my vision in the form of cloth that caressed my face gently, tugged tightly in a knot against the back of my head. The ache in my knees was a simple reminder of my position, of where I was meant to be when he walked in the room: undressed and patiently kneeling in wait for his directions to guide me. Sweat gathered into a transparent film on the palms of my hands as they crossed at the small of my back, reflective of the anticipation that filled me as I waited and strained to hear his movements, to hear his voice call me once again. The cold air bit into my skin before he could.

"Is my little puppy still listening?"

My breath hitched at the low call of his voice, ease slipping into my figure at the confirmation of his presence.

"Yes, sir," echoed my quiet reply.

The low rumble of his hum resonated in the large room around us, even more so since there was no one else in there except for us. "My puppy is so good for me, isn't he? Waiting so patiently for his master to give him an order. Isn't that right, pup?"

Despite his condescending tone, shivers ran down my spine at his implicit praise. It seemed that my body craved his praise like the next drug on the street, waiting for the high that came when he rewarded me with showers of "good boy" and "good job."

I voiced a distant response.

He didn't say anything when his hands finally came in contact with my skin, resting one large warm palm on the side of my abdomen, letting the heat of his hands sink into my cool skin. His touch sent blazing fires in its wake as his hands and fingers trailed up the side of my body, dipping into the dips of my flesh, raising against the ridges of my ribs, nails gently scratching against the sensitive skin.

"So sensitive," he mused, surely smiling behind my blindfold. His hands cupped right under my nipple, pausing for a second to allow my anticipation to build. "You'll give me a good show, won't you?"

He took my left nipple in between his fingers, flicking the stiff peak before pinching and tugging harshly, forcing my back to arch as my chest followed his direction. My quiet cry had him laughing.

"Just this much is enough to make you cry out like that, pup?" He tugged on my nipple once again, my teeth catching my bottom lip to stop my crying out. "You'll have a bad time with me then, puppy. 'Cause I like the look on your face when you get a little desperate, all teary-eyed and innocent like you aren't spreading your body open for me like a needy little whore made for me. Waiting for me to take your pleasure while I get off on you, right?"

I didn't realize an answer was necessary until he twisted roughly on my abused nipple and I accidentally let out a loud gasp, whimpering, "Yes, sir. I'm yours to use."

"That's my good boy. He knows right where he belongs—waiting on me like an obedient little puppy. Do you want to continue being a good boy? Master has a treat for you if you're good."

"I'll be good, sir," my voice still shook as I remained hyperaware of his hands on my body, teasing me, waiting for me to mess up so he could watch me cry as he punished me with a pretty smile. "I want to be good for you."

"That's what I like to hear, baby." The sound of a zipper filled the room alongside the quiet pants that escaped my lips. Unintentionally, I licked my lips as I thought about what he had to offer me, practically begging for it to be his cock. "Are you that eager, puppy? Can't wait for my cock so you have to imagine it first? So hungry for it you're licking those pretty little lips of yours before you can have a taste. Naughty puppy~"

Heat rushed to my ears, embarrassed to be called out but still practically drooling for his cock. He wasn't wrong, I was just shy when it came to those kinds of things.

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