Meet at the Firepalce

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Requested from: Shard-The-Dragon (Thank you so much  ;) )

Grievous groaned as he opened his golden eyes. He saw nothing at first, but slowly, his vision cleared. He was surrounded by dark oak trees and laid in the middle of a pool of broken sticks and crushed leaves. He sat up, but his head protested this movement, he growled at the dizzy feeling in his head.

What happened? How did he end up here? The cyborg looked around, trying to remember, then, he discovered a crashed shuttle. Grievous growled. Yeah, the shuttle-crash. He got shot by some clone-ships, lost control and the last thing he remembered was a crash and a huge pain in his head. He stood up, ignoring his protesting head and went to the shuttle. He checked for any contact-possibilities, but everything was ruined. He was stuck. Great.

Grievous let out a heavy sigh and started to think. What could he do? Wait until someone found him? No? Searching for someone who lived here? Yes! Without skipping a beat, he went. Not noticing, that red eyes followed him. After hours of searching, he got tired. His head, or what was left of it, hurt, and he felt dizzy. He might have hit his head too hard. He decided to rest for the night, he could continue his search tomorrow.

coughing, he sat under a tree, pressing his head against it. Or what would he give the universe to feel the cold wood, probably everything? His ragged breathing got slower, but a loud growl ripped him out of his peaceful world. A giant shadow neared him, red eyes glowing. The moonlight was bright enough to make out the creatures features

Picture: (I'm too lazy to describe this thing. And I can't draw! )

Its claws looked sharp enough to cut through metal, and it seemed hungry

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Its claws looked sharp enough to cut through metal, and it seemed hungry. It probably smelled Grievous' left organs, and it looked pretty hungry. The cyborg wasted no time and stood up, trying to grab his lightsabers, but he only grabbed air. The Kaleesh coughed out a gasp as he looked down, his lightsabers were gone. He must have lost them during the crash. With the dizzy feeling in his left guts, he had no chance against this thing. Damn, he had to flee. He hated it, but if he wanted to see the next dawn, he had to.

He dug his claw into the hard, dark oak wood and climbed up the large tree. He was lucky, the creature didn't seem to have the ability to climb, but it didn't remove its butt either. Grievous sighed in relief, coughing afterward. He laid down on the tree crown, letting his tiredness consume him, he soon fell asleep, unaware what tomorrow could bring.


Grievous woke because of a sudden crash. He growled and rose his head, flinching at the burning sensation in his brain. It was raining. Lightning crossed the sky more than once in second. One of them has ripped the giant three next to him into two pieces. The thunder came seconds after. Great!

He needed to find a cave before the lightning picked his tree out of the thousands around him. He jumped down, instantly regretted it when his vision faded for a second. He stumbled a bit, coughing slightly before he made his way through the woods. Luck was on his side for the second time since he was on this planet. In between three giants, there was a small hill with a deep cave. The cyborg wasted no times and entered.

To his surprise, someone was already in there. A young woman with short/long h/c hair, beautiful, shining e/c eyes and s/c skin sat in front of a fireplace, looking straight at him, her eyes widened in surprise.

Your clothes: (I'm a Little bit clumsly)

She looked at the cyborg for a few seconds before she stood up and walked closer to him, oddly calm

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She looked at the cyborg for a few seconds before she stood up and walked closer to him, oddly calm. "You aren't a droid.", she whispered, looking into his eyes. "Grievous coughed before speaking. "I am, indeed, no droid. I am General Grievous, the leader of Count Dooku's battle-droids-army." "The girl shot him a questioning look. "Droid-army? Count Dooku?", she questioned. Grievous coughed in surprise. "You do not know about the clone-wars?" The girl let out a throaty laugh.

"I already have enough problems to survive on this planet. "My name's Y/N by the way.", she said as she returned to her seat. With a simple gesture, she commanded him to sit next to her. Without much thinking, he sat next to her, the warmth of the fire instantly replacing the cold feeling in his gut-sack."

"So, how did you end up here anyway?" "Shuttle-crash.", grievous growled. "You're lucky to survive such thing, but you sure hurt yourself, or what's left of you. Nothing personal. Your head doesn't look good though." Grievous, for the first time, looked down on himself. The girl was right, he looked horrible. The metal was ripped and burned, a part of his gut-sack was exposed, and as he raised a hand to look for any damage on his head, he hissed when he tapped on exposed flesh. He stood up and made his way to a small water quell that was more in the backside of the cave.

A part of his metal-protection on his head broke and a part of his forehead, that was still there, was shown. "That would explain my dizziness." "Yeah, probably some brain damage like a concussion or something like that." he completely forgot the girl behind him. He turned, looking at Y/N. She laid on the floor, eyes closed and looked relaxed. He turned and sat down next to her. Suddenly, she sat up and said "Before I forget, I found something an hour ago. Are they yours?" She grabbed something from behind her back the laid next to her, but what she held in her hands next, surprised him. His lightsabers.

Grievous nodded and took them from her, clicking them on his hip. "Is there any contacts to the outside?" Y/N shrugged. "I'm on this planet for some years now, never found something useful. It's quite dangerous around here. You probably met a Shrugg, a kind of monster what eats everything alive." "Yes, I have."

A loud growl interrupted their conservation. the thing that attacked Grievous before stood there, teeth bared, looking hungry. Y/N grabbed the bow that was bound to her back. She shot an arrow directly into the creature's right eye. The cyborg grabbed one of his lightsabers and cut the things chest open, splitting its beating heart in two. "Good job, General.", Y/N grinned. Grievous laughed, coughing as he deactivated his lightsabers and put it back. "We could team up, you know. I'm pretty sure we'll find a way to get off this planet faster if we both work together." Grievous thought for a moment, he didn't like the idea of help, but it might be his only chance.

"I do not see why not." "Great, then let's sleep for the night, tomorrow, we'll start searching." Grievous laid down and closed his eyes before he drifted off to sleep, he heard Y/N mumble "Goodnight, my dear General." "Goodnight, Miss Y/N." With that, he fell into the waiting darkness, sleeping peacefully for the first time in years.

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