Mission Failed

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(Inspired by the Video above. I love Henry Stickmin...but that one ending with Charles was so sad, so I apologize if I hit some feels. I definitely was shocked when I saw it, and it broke my heart. This Video belongs to Markiplier, I love his channel^^)

Grievous watched, his beautiful eyes glowing with interest as he watched you messing the the engine that, your fingers working so fast he had trouble to see. After a few seconds, you took a step back, grinning at him as a small door opened on the wall, exposing a glowing ball.

The matter inside moved around, giving the room a beautiful glow and painted figures of stars and planets on the wall. "Glowing dark matter.", you grinned brightly and grabbed your gun, aiming at it. "That's the new power source then." "What do you mean?", Grievous asked as he walked around you, setting his claws on your shoulder, giving you a questioning look, cocking his head to the side.

You giggled, finding this adorable. "No, if you heat up black matter, it gives off more energy than with cold temperatures, if you use this wisely and heat it up to a certain level, you can use it to power your ship or your planet. You can destroy it though, and then, it's only a matter of time until it blows up and destroyed everything." He would have smiled if he could as he heard your rant about it, knowing you enjoyed it to share your knowledge with him.

"How long do you think we have to get out of here then?", he asked you afterward, and watched as your face twisted into worry. "I'm not sure. Maybe one or two minutes.", you mused and bit your lips, your face twisting into a frustrated look. "We can make it if we hurry to the escape pods.", Grievous told you, and looked at you. "Despite it being a Republic ship, I know where to go."

You nodded, and shot. Immediately, the alarm went off, bathing everything in a deep, red light. The general and you ran, his claws wrapped around your wrist as he led you through it. Soon, you stood in front of a few clones, who were, too, trying to escape the explosion. "Shit.", you cursed under your breath, taking out your gun and your lightsaber while your friend took out all of his four weapons.

The fight was not difficult, you shot and cut down six of them while the man-killing cyborg took care of the other ones. You nodded to each other while you opened one pod, getting inside. You, however, oversaw one clone, who shot. It hit Grievous chest, and he roared out in pain. Reacting quickly, you pulled out your lightsaber and jumped out of the pod to cut the clone down, leaving his dead body there.

The door closed, and your and Grievous' head shot up, staring each other in the eyes. Another clone came from behind, slamming you into the back, making you grunt in pain and turning around, fighting with him. The cyborg knocked against the glass, but it was too late and the small rocket started, taking him to safety, and forcing him to leave you behind. "No!", he roared loudly, digging his claws to the metallic surface.

He stared at it...your voice echoing through the link of your communicators. "Grievous? You alright?", you asked, panting, clearly exhausted form fighting. "I'll take your silence as a yes. Glad you did not follow me. At least you're outta there. I just need to find another escape pod, then I'll follow you. By the way, when you're home, could you please visit my mom and tell her about our adventure? I think s/he needs that to know that I..."

The rest of your sentence remained unsaid...because the ship exploded ripping you apart. "NO!", Grievous roared again and dug deeper. "No, no, no, Y/N!", he roared and slowly sunk the ground, shivering with sadness, his eyes filling with tears..."Not you, Y/N...Not you..."


"Ah, General Grievous, there you are.", Count Dooku spoke as he spotted the cyborg, grinding brightly. "I see that you and General L/N, did a perfect job together." Slowly walking down the stairs, he came to a stop right in front of the taller male, clapping him on his shoulder.

Grievous did not response and simply continued to stare into the darkness, his slit pupils wide, his breathing deep and troubled. The Sith, of course, noticed that and took a step back, not even bothering to hide his confusion. "What is wrong General?", he asked, his voice almost gentle as he realized that something happened that caused a trauma. "About that...I fear General L/N...won't come back...ever...A sacrifice...the pod...the last words spoken...Gone.", he whispered, shaking, digging his talons into the ground.

Dooku took a step back, seeing how unstable Grievous was at the moment, realizing that this might not be the best moment.

It took weeks to get the cyborg ready to fight again, and this time, but they noticed a change. All care and gentleness were gone, he now was a ruthless monster. Loosing you was not just loosing a partner but loosing someone you love.

General Grievous X Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now