Mother mine (Part 1)

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Grievous roared out in pure rage as his metallic fist slam onto the control panel, ignoring the complaints his ship gave as the words of the Count were registered in his brain. "WHAT?!" His remaining blood was burning, his forehead throbbed with pain, and he could barely restrain himself to destroy everything within sight. "They want to pull my people on their sides?!"

"Indeed.", Dooku answered, nodding slowly. "They are planning to form an alliance and have already spoken with a few of the warriors of your kind. They are planning to meet the elder in two days." "How dares those scums to contact my people after they have ruined all of our lives?", he roared and had to cough afterward. "How dare those gods damned, filthy, death-worthy..."

"As soon as they will have an alliance with Kalee, we have many mighty warriors standing against us. You are a Kaleesh yourself, Grievous. Go there, sabotage their meeting with the elder, and ruin their relationship with each other." "You can count on me, my lord!", the cyborg growled and ended the call before he let himself fall onto the chair behind him, one of his hands liftin to massage his eyelids to ease the throbbing headache.

An alliance with Kalee, those filthy Jedi scums ruins his life everywhere possible. Digging his talons into the ground underneath him, we stood up again and walked towards the bridge, pushing every droid out of the way who had the bad luck to cross. As soon as the doors open, he yelled his orders at the mechanical beings, his eyes still wide, filled his hate and nervousness.


Kalee was a mess.

Grievous' heart had almost stopped when he first saw what a beautiful market had once been where his people sold meat, clothes jewels, but now, there were only ruins. It saddened him that his home-planet was in such a bad shape, and he felt his heart clench when he discovered the old tent of his mother who had sold self-made clothing.

The cyborg growled and shook his head. The Jedis have ruined enough, he would not let them continue with an alliance. He turned and walked into the direction of his old village. He knew that it took place there, he was the son of an elder after all. When his father was alive, he had often taken him with him. He remembered when the old Kaleesh told him that one day, he would take his place.

But then, there was the Shuttle Crash. He had lost everything, his body, his free will...but the worst, his family. He knew that his father died shortly after. He was sick, and the doctors had said that he would not survive the next few months, but his mother...he was unsure what happened to her.

The only thing he knew that she was a respected warrior that also liked knitting to calm herself after battles, and it was she who trained him for the war. He shook his head to get rid of the memories, but they would not go. He remembered the days when she gave him his clothes, self-knitted, with a gentle smile on her beautiful face, and letting her hands run through his thick hair before kissing his forehead. Grievous let out a sigh, realizing that those imagines of the past would stay, no matter what he would do, so he did the only thing he knew would help. He turned and went into the direction...


His old village did not look much worse than the marketplace, but he could feel the freezing atmosphere around it. Even tough Kalee was a warm planet, the temperature seemed to drop the closer he came to the house he had once called home. He was afraid, to be honest. He was afraid of entering and finding his mother and his siblings laying on the ground, dead, their empty eyes wide open, begging for nothing more than peace.

His old house was in pretty good shape compared to the others, and there were even some plants around it. Many wore vegetables or fruit. Did someone live here? No, that was impossible. The village was abandoned. He had heard that all Kaleesh had retreated to a new city to stay safe from the Republic, leaving their old homes and culture behind. Maybe one family stayed? Or maybe even one person.

Grievous lifted his hand and knocked onto the door. He waited for a second, but no one answered, and so he decided to just open it. The inside was well-lit. He could see the weapons of his people. A smile would have spread across his face if that were still possible. His mother always loved to collect the weapons she could find, and she always told the story of how she got them when he was little. He was one of the younger children after all. He stepped inside and closed the door again before wandering to the kitchen, he froze, however, when he heard the familiar sound of boiling food and was shocked that there was a bowl over a small fire-place, cooking his favorite food. "What in the world?", he mumbled and just wanted to turn away, when suddenly, an unmistakable voice reached his ears.

"Sleep, my dear warrior, just close your eyes.

Soon will the wake know its demise."

He would recognize everywhere, no matter when or where. "No, that's impossible. That's simply can't be." But it was.

"No matter where you go if you live and if I die.

I will always go with you and will be a companion to your life.

I and your father would never leave you alone,

So go and live your life, Qyamen, my wonderful son."

Tears, something he thought that might have long passed, poured down his face as he stepped into the living room, coming face to face with the very female who gave birth to him, knitting with f/c colored wool. " He took one step towards her but froze when out of nowhere she stood before him, a weapon against his neck, ready to kill him right here and now.

"A droid in my house? What an unpleasant surprise!"

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