Rvb S6 E12 "Chapter 12"

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Leo's Mind
To a modern house drenched from the rain of the cold night, with a young boy climbing out the window and running off.

Director (Voiceover): Dear Chairman. I too hold the protocol in the highest regard. The doctrine kept us all safe during the Great War. If you are insinuating, sir, that we violated it in any way, or that we were derelict in our duty to the military, well then I suggest you be direct, and tell me exactly how we did so.

To Church's ghost standing over Leo's body, surrounded by everyone else.

Wash: What is going on?

Church: Wash, stay calm. We can explain.

Wash: I don't want explanations, I want the truth. Now. When were you gonna tell me about this?

Church: Okay, maybe I should start from the beginning. You see, Caboose here, killed me by accident once. Well actually, more than once.

Caboose: Not my fault. Tucker did it.

Wade: Caboose, now's not the time.

Wash: He killed you. As in... dead.

Sarge: Then we reached an agreement. I built Blue over here a new body-

Church: Agreement? More like we kicked your ass, and you didn't have much of a choice of what you wanted to do.

Sarge: Who kicked what now?

Simmons: What're you, an idiot?

Sarge: You wanna take that back.

Church: You guys totally gave up!

Grif: Bullshit.

Church: That was the time that Texas kicked your asses all over-

Suddenly Leo gets off from the ground while groaning in pain and rubbing his soar neck.

Leo: (Groans) Jesus, it feels like I payed ten people to massage my neck at the same time.

Sarge: Leo! Your alright, what have those darn blues done to you!

Leo: Am ok, Sarge and its great to see you guys again! But, it wasn't the blues who did this. It was that Meta guy.

Wade: Told you so.

Grif: What happened to you, man?

Leo: All I remember was looking for the Meta and next thing you know, he comes out of nowhere and chokes me out.

Sarge: How dare that beast, lay it's hands on you!

Leo: Maybe, Delta might know where it went.

Simmons: Delta?

Leo: Oh yeah! He's the A.I, that's inside my head.

Wade: Not anymore, the Meta snagged him from you.

Wash: Where getting off track, how did you build him a body?

Sarge: With a robot kit of course. I'd already used ours to build our helper. Lopez.

Simmons: And a mighty fine job you did too, sir..

Grif: Yeheah, it's always great to have a helper no one can understand, besides Leo.

Leo: You can always learn to understand Spanish, you know.

Grif: As if, the only reason I'd learn that, is if I went crazy!

Red vs Blue Season 6: Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now