Chapter 25

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Katsuki sat in a seat beside Izuku's bed, the room silent apart from the occasional twitter of birds outside. After a heartbeat more, Izuku spoke.
"Well? What was so important that you needed to break in here for?" He asked icily, obviously not the happiest. He was a little taken off-guard as Katsuki met his eyes. They were... puffy and red, as if he'd been crying.
"I know. I know about the villain and everything that happened. No, don't talk yet!" He cut Izuku off, who'd had his mouth open to speak. "Please, just listen. I know what I said and I know it was wrong, but I only said it so the two dumbasses would leave. I would never have turned you in. I promise."
"Promises mean jack-shit from you." Izuku muttered, looking down. He felt a soft hand lift his chin back up and he confused himself at how he didn't pull away from it.
"This one doesn't. I don't like saying it out loud until I'm sure, but I kissed you, Deku. Can't you see there's at least some feeling behind my words? I'm tired of driving you away so much, I don't want to do that any more. I want to bring you closer."
Izuku's heartbeat quickened, his eyes widened. This didn't sound like the Katsuki he knew at all, and yet... he knew it was. In some way, he could feel that Katsuki was telling the truth.
"Please, give me one more shot..."
There was a moment of silence, in which Katsuki slowly dropped hos hand from Izuku's chin.
"One more shot." Izuku muttered into the silence, clasping Katsuki's hand tightly. The boys fell into silence, staring into eachother's eyes painfully.
"I'm going to get you out." Katsuki murmured, slowly pulling Izuku into a hug. Izuku hugged him back, sighing softly against him. It felt good to be in his embrace again. It felt warm and safe, exactly the things that would make Izuku feel better.
"Kacchan... I-I want to go home, with you." He felt the walls he'd kept up falling down as he let out a little whimper. "I don't like it here, Kacchan. Everyone here is so mean and rough and they put a muzzle on me Kacchan! Please let me go home." He gripped the fabric of Katsuki's shirt, his smaller frame shaking. As he felt tears coming along.
"Calm down, Deku. I'll do what I can and beyond that. I'll get you out."
"Time's up." Aizawa slowly walked into the room, holding the door open. The boys looked at eachother ruefully before Katsuki waved goodbye and walked put the room. Izuku gave him a pitiful wave back, wiping his eyes.

Katsuki was about to leave when there was a hand on his shoulder.
"Bakugou." His teacher sounded unpleased. "I need to speak to you about this."
"Yes sir." Katsuki grumbled, following Aizawa to his office and sitting across from him. Before Aizawa could start questioning him, Katsuki slapped his hands on the desk and began... begging?
"Please sir! Let him out! I know he's a villain, but you don't know him like I do! He doesn't want to be a villain anymore! I've been helping him! Please, I'll do anything, just let him go!" The desperation in his voice was unparallel. Aizawa took note of how much he seemed to want Izuku freed.
"Bakugou, sit down properly." The boy did so, so Aizawa continued, "It's clear Midoriya may have not been in the right of mind, but that doesn't excuse his behaviour. You should know this."
"I do! I know that! But nobody was hurt and everything has been fixed. Let him go home!"
"Calm down, Bakugou. Me and my colleges have been discussing this exact topic actually, so you needn't worry so much. He won't be in here for too long, I-"
"What if we pay him out? What's the fine?"
Aizawa blinked at his sudden question. "I'm not sure. But honestly, Bakugou. The boy is well taken care of."
"He isn't happy here. He said you put a muzzle on him."
"That is true, yes. We didn't know what would be the rigger of his Quirk, may it be a word, gesture or anything, so we took precautions." Bakugou stood up, getting ready to leave. The prison sent chills down his spine and made him shudder. "Bakugou, it's best going out the way you came in." Aizawa murmured, standing up too. He watched as his student reached the door before speaking, more quietly. "And I'll see what I can do."

Izuku was moved back to his cell, where he sat on his bed dully. He had his uncuffed hands hugging himself as he stared at the ground, trying to recall the warmth from Katsuki.
Why was it that everytime he tried hating the other he grew to needing him? Izuku couldn't understand what he was missing so greatly that it physically hurt.
Was he missing Katsuki's oddly soft hair? His scent of spices and sweetness? The way his lips curled into a half-scowl when he got confused at things? His smile? His laugh? Had Izuku really dropped to the level of needing to feel his childhood bully to relax? Had he really gotten to the point where he couldn't stand the thought of Katsuki being with someone else?
Izuku shook his head to try and clear his mind, but the image of Katsuki kept reappearing. Had he actually fallen for the hot-head? Or had he been hit by another Quirk? So many questions filled his mind with answers he couldn't quite get to.
Had Katsuki fallen for him? He had kissed him, so he must've, right? He said there was feeling, but was it love? Did Katsuki love him? Did-
"Kid! Shut the fuck up!" Came an angry bark beside him and the wall seemed to shake as it was punched by a force. Izuku squeaked an jumped, apogising. "Bloody child, muttering like he's in his bedroom." Was the only response he got. Izuku sighed softly.
That habit wasn't gone.

"Though I have to travel far."

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