Chapter 31

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"'Sup nerd, I'm home!" Katsuki called, kicking his shoes off at the door. He frowned a little as he got no response and headed upstairs. Both his parents and Inko were at work, Inko had recently gotten a job as a florist to pay back some money and hopefully get a house of her own. "Deku? Where the fuck are you?" He called again, reaching his room and poking his head inside.
There on the bed lay the sleeping figure of Izuku, his chest slowly rising and falling. His shirt was riding up a little so it went over his belly, showing his creamy white skin. Katsuki smirked softly, stalking like a wolf towards it's prey. He crawled onto the bed beside the sleeping boy, grinning at him as he gently placed his hands on either side of his waist. He leant closer to Izuku's ear and whispered to him.
"Wake up, loser." He repeated it multiple times as a growl to his smaller boyfriend, curling around him. Izuku finally opened his eyes, squeaking in surprise as he saw Katsuki. He was cut off though, as Katsuki pressed their lips together in a warm kiss.
"Mm, it's good to have you back." He smirked, allowing Izuku to nuzzle into his chest. Izuku purred a little, snuggling into his warmth as the ash-blonde pulled him closer by his hips. They just lay there for a moment before Izuku spoke.
"Can we go out somewhere?"
"Sure, where to?" Katsuki sat up, holding him on his lap.
"Cinema? I know you like scary movies and..." Izuku reached onto the bedside table and picked up Katsuki's phone. He opened it with the password he'd memorised and showed him the cinema's page.
"No way! It came out!?" Katsuki had been eagerly waiting for the release of the movie adaptation of the old TV series 'And Then There Were None' and hadn't even realised when it had came into the cinema nearest them. "Yes! We're definitely going!" He cheered loudly.
The two stood up and Katsuki switched into more comfortable clothes. Izuku changed into one of the blonde's T-Shirts, blushing as the scent of his boyfriend washed over him. Katsuki smirked at him and grabbed his hand, leading him downstairs and out the door.
"Ok, so what's the time? We need to catch the next train if we want to see the next viewing." He asked over his shoulder as he ran. Izuku pulled out his phone as they ran, typing the password messily with his thumb.
"Uhh, it's like half four now and the movie starts at quarter past five! The next train leaves in five minutes!"
There was an incoherent curse from Katsuki, who stopped and turned to Izuku.
"Piggyback. Now." And without hesitation, Izuku was hoisted onto his back as he ran towards the train station. They threw their money at the startled lady behind the desk and leapt onto the train, Izuku being dropped onto his feet once they were in. More people shuffled into the train, pressing the boys against eachother.
"We're off in a few stops." Izuku murmured as the train started moving again and a few people found some last-minute lucky seats. Izuku held Katsuki's hand to stay beside him as the train lurched forward. The two talked softly until the train stopped and more people came in. This stop had a LOT of people coming in at once, making Izuku get squished up against the door and Katsuki to get squashed behind him, leading to an... award position, had they not been in a relationship.
"Kacchan!" Izuku squeaked, a blush spreading over his face as he squeaked.
"Hot." Was all Katsuki said, his hands on Izuku's hips. He leant closer to his ear and whispered, "Hey wouldn't it be cool if our first time was here, on this train, with everyone oblivious to us?"
"K-Kacchan," was all Izuku could say, his face bright red as he looked over at Katsuki, "Don't you dare."
"Pfft, damn Deku. Just jokin'!" Katsuki chuckled, feeling himself get pushed closer up against him and uttering a quiet, "Sorry. Oof." His hands left Izuku's hips to lean onto the glass so he wouldn't completely crush the smaller green-haired boy.
The train ride only lasted a little longer until it was their stop, so Katsuki took the lead in getting them off. This meant shoving, cursing and death threats, with Izuku apologising loudly as he followed him.
The two then started running towards the cinema, getting there when the ads were playing.
"And Then There Were None, two tickets." Katsuki slammed the money down and Izuku added in a small voice behind him.
"Please!" He smiled so brightly the young man had to squint a little. One look at Katsuki though, and it was enough to snap him back to his senses. The two boys paid and walked into Screening 1, sitting down in a good spot and watching some of the ads play. Katsuki had bought some popcorn to share and was just glancing around the theatre when his gaze landed on a group of people walking in and... oh no.
It was only a vast majority of his classmates.
Instantly, he sunk down in his seat, not wanting to be spotted by the others. "Kacchan? Are you ok?" Izuku squeaked, concerned."
"Yep. I'm doing peachy." Katsuki's gaze didn't leave his classmates, who were talking quietly to each other as they all tried to find a spot. He could count his friends there, all of the girls, Rocket Foot, Canadian Flag and Round-face, all people who he had not wanted to see.
While they were all looking around, Uraraka's eyes locked with Katsuki's and she chirped something to the others. Ten other heads all turned in their direction and now Izuku noticed, also crumpling back into the chair like the blonde. The group of high-schoolers took note of where Katsuki and Izuku were sitting and sat a little way off, something Katsuki was silently grateful for.
Izuku though, looked petrified. The movie hadn't even begun yet.

"The only way that I can be."

NOTE: 'And Then There Were None' isn't an actual movie. It was first published as a novel by Agatha Christie, then created into a TV show aired on BBC One (British Broadcasting Corporation in the United Kingdom. I live in England and I'm not sure how many others who read this do, but I HIGHLY recommend watching the show. But be warned, it's not for the faint of heart.). It hasn't been created into a film, though the TV series is amazing!

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