Chapter 36

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WARNING: This chapter contains a little bit of suicide mention.

Izuku sat alone in his bed, legs crossed as he just stared at the wall in front of him. He wasn't muttering, moving his gaze away or crying. Voices talked loudly from downstairs, but Izuku forced himself to stop listening to them and instead started thinking to himself.
What was going to happen now? He'd assaulted someone, then called them all sorts of things. He gripped his shirt sleeves tightly, his lip quivering a little. He hadn't meant to! It was his Quirk! Why had he even wanted a Quirk anyway? That's what got him into so much trouble. That's what caused trouble for so many other people.
Izuku finally pulled his gaze away, flopping onto his back to lay on the bed. He stared up at the ceiling instead, thinking to himself. What if he just slowly let people forget him again? What if he left this world? It wouldn't have to be anything spectacular or special. It would only take a knife to the throat, plus it would make life so much easier for people. Katsuki wouldn't have to look out for him all the time, his mother wouldn't have to worry about him and Mitsuki and Masaru wouldn't have to spend money to look after him.
While Izuku was lost in his thoughts, he didn't notice someone crawling up a ladder until they were tapping on the window. He turned his head round slowly and fell off the bed with a small yelp.
"A-All Might? What are you doing here?" He stood up quickly, squinting as the no. 1 hero motioned for him to go outside. Izuku hesitated, staring at the tall muscled man suspiciously. After a moment, he became uncomfortable with the pro hero smiling at him, so he decided to crawl put the window. He nearly fell from how high up it was, but did eventually manage to drop down clumsily. His head tilted to the side as he gazed up at All Might.
"Why are you here All- AGH!!" His voice rose to a high pitch squeal as All Might suddenly poofed. Replacing him was a thin man, sickly looking with long blonde hair that had two stands falling over his face. He had a gaunt, squared chin and empty eyes, linked over the bridge of his nose.
Izuku blinked at him, emerald eyes wide as plates. His leg was raised, bent sharply at the knee joint with his arms in an oddly entangled protective stance.
All Might coughed against a closed fist which, when dropped to his side, was now covered in blood.
"Hello, young Midoriya."
"Did you just deflate?"
"Kind of."
"Wait no, did you just shrivel up like a raisin?"
"Did you just compare me to a raisin?"
Izuku pursed his lips. "Maybe."

After he had calmed down a bit and All Might had explained the whole 'deflating' situation a bit, Izuku finally asked him, "So why are you even here?"
"To talk to you."
"About your dilemma. The police are getting more annoyed with you, Young Midoriya, and your little outbursts. They are ready to start the mission if you are."
Izuku paused, staring up at All Might with a hard gaze. "'The mission'? You mean... the mission?" He'd been briefed on something to do with a mission when he'd first started his training and Aizawa had mentioned it a few times, but it hadn't been a major conversation topic.
"Yes. That mission." All Might nodded, "More will be explained at a later date, but Aizawa has something tell you for tomorrow's training. He told me to tell you not to be late, but to pick up some cat food on the way over if you can. He says thanks."
Izuku nodded. It had become common for him to pick up cat food on the way to his training sessions. He didn't mind, as that meant when Aizawa was out at work he was allowed to go over and look after the cats. All Might nodded to him before turning to walk off. It was almost cinematic, All Might trudging away from the green-haired boy with the body laguange someone would have if they'd just presented bad news.
The news All Might had given wasn't bad news, but also not necessarily good news either.
Then the cinematic-ness faded as All Might tripped over his own baggy trousers, landing on the ground with an uttered curse word.

Izuku walked back inside the house to be immediately greeted by a concerned Katsuki. His expression softened as he saw the green-haired boy safely inside.
"Damn Deku, I thought you'd ran away! Didn't I tell you to go and rest? You passed out, for fucks sake!" He gripped Izuku's shoulders, though not in a threatening way. It was clear he was just worried for him. Izuku had, in fact, passed out in Katsuki's arms after his mental breakdown. Katsuki didn't know what to do and so he'd started panicking, if Todoroki hadn't been there, he probably would've blown them both up or something.
Izuku sighed softly and hugged him. "It's okay. I'm fine, honestly. Though I am kinda tired, can we go back to bed?"
"You haven't eaten anything."
"I'm not hungry."
Katsuki let out a reluctant sigh before nodding and gently taking his hand to lead him up stairs.
"Fine. But you'd better actually rest." He grumbled, provoking a small smile from Izuku. He found it quite cute to see his boyfriend so worked up over something like this. It showed he actually cared. They entered the bedroom and Izuku yawned, stretching his arms out before flopping onto the bed with absolutely no elegance at all.
Katsuki sat next to him and started to get undressed, stripping down to his boxers before rolling into bed. Izuku, being a little more civilised, got into some pyjamas before slipping under the duvet next to the ash blonde. He rested his head against his chest gently and yawned again, feeling well-muscled arms wrap around him, holding him close.
He felt safe like this. Safe and warm.

"Remember me,"

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