Chapter 27

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Izuku was led into a little cubicle, looking at his mother on the other side of the glass.
"Izu..." Inko pressed her hand against the glass, using the other to shakily talk into the phone. "Izu, are you ok?"
"I'm fine, mother. I do have a question for you though."
"Izu, you eye..."
"It doesn't hurt, just hear me out." Izuku had mysteriously gotten a black eye. He said he'd tripped, but that just wasn't the case. He took a deep breath before speaking again, "How do you know if you are in love with someone?"
Naturally, Inko was a little confused by this, though she answered anyway. "Well, you start feeling warm and safe in their presence. The thought of them doesn't leave your mind for ages and everything reminds you of them. When you talk to them, you get butterflies in you stomach and blush a lot. Being in love is both the best feeling and most dangerous... Izu? Are you there?"
Izuku had zoned out, staring past his mother at a figure waiting to speak with one of the inmates. A familiar figure with prominent muscles, spiky hair and the scent of spices.
"Hm? Yeah, oh, thanks!" Izuku let a genuine smile slip up towards his mother, looking a lot more like the younger Izuku she knew.
"Oh my baby, you are in love with someone, aren't you?" Inko giggled, watching Izuku blush. He kept casting glances behind her and it only took Inko a moment to put two-and-two together. "You're in love with Katsuki!" She beamed.
It was obvious she was true because of Izuku's face instantly turning as red as a tomato. They chatted a little longer before Inko was asked to leave. She waved her son goodbye, looking a lot happier than when shed first entered. Izuku smiled back at her, resting his arms on the desk in front of him. He was in the aftermath of bliss from spending time with his mother when he heard a chuckle from behind him.
"Heh, pathetic!" A taller, more burly-looking inmate was standing behind Izuku. "Aww look at little Midoriya, getting all happy and shit. There's no need for that smile here, boy. I thought I punched some sense into you last time, guess I'll have to do it again!"
Before security could grab him, the criminal yanked Izuku up roughly by his anti-Quirk collar, making him choke and kick his legs wildly. The villain chuckled as he pulled Izuku's struggling figure closer sharply. "You're going to regret ever smiling at all!"
People visiting had seen from the other side of the glass and were shouting for security. Katsuki didn't wait for them though, running forward and boosting himself up a little with his Quirk so that he could get over the glass. He dropped straight onto the villain, taking him off guard and making him fall over. Izuku was dropped and landed on the hard floor with a groan.
Katsuki kept the criminal pinned for a moment, giving him to security when they arrived. "I'll get you, Midoriya! First the eye, then your throat!" He yelled, glaring at Katsuki as he stood in front of Izuku.
Once he'd been taken away, Katsuki crouched beside the green-haired boy, who was still coughing and sitting up weakly.
"Deku? You good?"
"K-Kacchan? When did you get here? Why are you here? What-"
"Shut up, fucking Deku. I came to visit, obviously."
"Visit who?"
"You of course!"
Izuku's face heated up in a red blush, Katsuki had one arm wrapped around him, keeping the weakened boy upright. He stared up at Katsuki's face, his ruby-red eyes staring down at Izuku in concern. Izuku giggled softly, making Katsuki tilt his head in confusion. The two boys stood up, Katsuki looking concerned.
"Ok kid, you can let go of the criminal now." Came the voice of a security guard, ruining their bonding moment. Katsuki looked up, pulling Izuku a little closer.
"Please, can I just talk to him a little longer? It won't take that long."
Izuku looked up at him, still shocked that Katsuki would beg for him. The guard hesitated a moment.
"Fine. But only for you, Midoriya. Not too long." He then walked off to watch over one of the other criminals. Katsuki looked a little annoyed though.
"The fuck he means 'only for you'?" His growl came out a little possessive, making Izuku giggle softly.
"Why are you angry about what he says? You jealous~?" Izuku teased. The guard only said that because he owed Izuku. Izuku had given him his pudding at dinner when people were only allowed one.
"Fuck yes I am!" Katsuki hissed, then blushed. "I-I mean, no I'm not jealous! I just don't want him messing with you." He grumbled, his face red. Izuku giggled a little more.
"Messing with me? What do you mean by that, Kacchan?"
"Shut up, shitty Deku." Katsuki composed himself again and smirked, tugging a little at the anti-Quirk collar. "What's this? Someone's kink or something?"
The thought of it like that hadn't even crossed Izuku's mind and he squeaked, his face burning a bright red. "N-No! It's to stop my Quirk from accidentally going off! Not that!"
"Why you blushing, Deku? Do you wish it was for 'that'?" Katsuki smirked at the boy growing even more flustered . Izuku didn't respond though, which just made his smirk widen. He wouldn't admit, obviously, that he had been flustered by Izuku's words before and disliked how confident the boy had sounded. Naturally, he'd had to take action and twisted it to be the opposite way round, like it usually was.
"Wow Deku, I didn't take you for someone who liked 'that'." Katsuki purred, literally making Izuku speechless he was so flustered. Katsuki's sharp eye caught the sight of the guard returning and he chuckled softly, "See you soon, Deku."
Katsuki then stood up and headed towards the exit, leaving Izuku to think about how Katsuki had knowingly flustered him.
How much more obvious did Katsuki need to make his feelings?

"Each time you hear a sad guitar."

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