Chapter;3 New Bluetooth Earpiece

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We have Bluetooth Headsets and Earpieces. But on bike rides, the conversation can get a little choppy. The microphone catches a lot of wind even with the good sets. But what if the microphone caught the vibrations from your throat directly? You can do this with your phone by putting the microphone directly on your throat while in a conversation with someone.

Depending on where you put it, the person on the other end can hear you pretty good. I believe I can build one that would work like this. It would have a Bone Conductivity Speaker so the user can hear the other person or the music clearly while on bike rides. 

I left out so much about this project, but I will share more when I get the prototype up and running.

I came up with this idea while out on a bike ride. My sister was having trouble understanding what I was saying with the headset I had.

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