Chapter;4 World Lines

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While more information is needed on this topic is needed, I believe that it is accurate to a point. 

It would almost guarantee that a Paradox would not take place unless you are really trying to mess things up. If you were the one who invented the machine, and you went back in time and made it where you were never born, a paradox would be created. If you invented the time machine, and you prevent your birth, you wouldn't exist to stop yourself from being born. 

Thus, a paradox is created when you do  something new with time that has passed. In  which case, going back in time is very risky, and a time machine should not be in the hands of those who would use the technology for evil. Cliche really. 

But whose to say in the future someone didn't already come back to this time and mess something up, or will mess things up? If somebody told you that you caused the time war, what would you do? If you stray from building the time machine, it would cause a paradox. Lack of a time machine would cause that person who came back to not exist and therefore start the scenario over again. Trying to stop a war by going back in time to prevent the thing thst got you there from being built is not logical. 

The only thing to do is keep going. The thing to do is diverge onto a new World Line. To keep doing that until the person never comes back to your time. That  should fix a paradox. Minor changes at a time as to not disrupt the Timestream. 

How come Doctor Who didn't die? He should have if he did everything on the series. In fact, in season one, the episode with the aliens with the meat suits, he read about that lady becoming more politically involved with things in the city where Rose Tyler lives. Depending on exactly how many years between the two points in time from where he was, it would have influenced how he reacted to the whole spaceship "crash".

Anywho, my point in all this is that decisions in the now, if influenced by an entity from the future, could result in a paradox unless you change things slowly. 

And you would have to retain your memories from the Alpha World Line. This can be accomplished, in theory, by using a special circuit that would continuously emit a electromagnetic frequency that would change the chemical balance that causes you to lose old World Line memories and lets you remember the memories from, what would be the, current World Line. Déjà vu is when those chemicals are not balanced right. This may be caused by stress or any number of things. 

The takeaway? 

Well, I'd have to say one thing. Leave the time traveling to the scientists who don't have a real lab yet ;) We know what we're doing.

No. But seriously. Run the whole scenario over and over through your head before leaping through time. Look for flaws. Even the slightest undersight could cause a major paradox.

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