Chapter;6 Black Holes

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A Black Hole is a point in space that is basically gravity. It has such strong gravity that I believe that it has the ability to escape Time and open a door to other universes. Not like a Wormhole, where you go from point A to point B in this universe. But where you go from point A in this universe to point A in another universe. 

So in theory, you can choose what universe and what time you want to go to. So a Black Hole would really be a door. But it is much more than that. More like a door to a timeline. From creation to infinity. So it would be a door to a timeline that also allows you to travel to other universes. 

But what happens if you want to go to a point in time where the Black Hole does not exist? Well, Black Holes are like the Chaos Emeralds from Sonic the Hedgehog. They were created. But when they were created, it created them in every instance of time. The same goes for if you destroy the Emeralds. If you destroy them in the year 2019, they get destroyed in every time. Black Holes can be created, but we have never seen one get destroyed. When they are small, they can die. CERN has proved this. But when they are large, like the ones in space, they cannot be destroyed.

If what I said up there is true, about the multiverse being able to be accessed by the Black Hole, then a Black Hole can also be used for point A to point B travel. Like Ricks portal gun. Maybe it doesn't just open a Wormhole, but instead opens a Black Hole. This makes sense to me. But a Wormhole needs an Exotic Matter device to stabilize the walls of the "tunnel" that it creates. With a Wormhole, transit time would be 0, while transit time in a Black Hole might take slightly longer. 

Also, theres the problem of leaving the Black Hole. Its gravity is so strong. But what if the velocity of the item going in increases the more it moves around in the Hole. This would give one enough speed to escape the pull of the Black Hole.

And if a Black Hole is more than a door to the multiverse and the Time Stream, then could it still be called a Black Hole? If it allows for point A to point B travel through space as well as time, could it be called a hole? 

I propose we call it a Black Door. 

"I see a red door and I want it painted black."

And if not that, then maybe an Aladoor? A Tardis?  No. People would ask "Wheres the hare?"  How about a D.O.T. "Doorway of Time."  Nah. Then Yakko and Wakko would want something named after them.

How about yall comment and let me know what I should refer to them as?

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