Chapter;7 The Inceptor

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Implanting "original" thoughts into a persons head could save a World Line. You send the idea to your past self and you will be more likely to do what your future self wants you to do than if you get a mysterious message. This device could be simple to build if you know what you are doing. If anyone out there knows how to work with analyzed brainwaves, I'd love to talk to you.

It has been proven that electromagnetic magnetic waves from your cellphone interact with your brain. Prolonged exposure to these waves can cause major damage damage to your brain cells. I want to use the littlest amount of these waves to program the mind with the new information, the idea, to use it and change whatever needs to be done to change anything for the better.

I also believe that you can turn on the "Reading Steiner" ability in your own brain. Its all a matter of tricking your brain into not aligning your memories to the changed World Line. Humans rely on electric signals. Nerves and such. Phone signals slightly change how your brain is storing the information. This can result in memory deterioration over time. You think kids these days have bad memory because they don't care? That could be part of it, but I think all these devices we surround ourselves with. That and how much we use them. It is important to take frequent breaks from these devices and go enjoy nature. Trees produce oxygen for us to breathe. The fresh air can help if you are getting headaches from prolonged use of electronic devices. Also, it is important to stay hydrated.

Back to the subject we began with. I know how to utilize a phone to broadcast the signal. I just need someone else who understands the science to look at everything and see if I have it right. I am open to gaining new lab members. I have 2 already, but you know what they say. 9 heads are better than none.

There would be a problem with signal distortion in immense gravity. Black Gates, which is what I will call Black Holes from now on because it more accurately describes what it is, is like almost pure gravity. This could cause problems with the signal. In theory, more frequencies exist in a Black Gate than anywhere in the Multiverse. This would mess with the signal sent through and distort it. In this case, you would need something to protect the signal. This is a problem I would need someone to help me with as well. I will say it again. If you have any ideas on how to do so, please contact me.

Well, thats it for now. If you have any questions, comment and I will get back with you as soon as possible.

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