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Harry in the next chapter!



Skylar chucks a pillow at me from the couch when my alarm rings for the third time, forcing me out of bed. This wouldn't have been the situation if she hadn't made me stay awake with her until we saw the sunrise. I take a cold shower, not risking what happened the day before and grab a slice of cold pizza from the box on the ground as I head out.

When I reach the lobby, Freddy is beaming. I sigh, I was not in the mood for this.

"How did it go with your sister? Were you surprised?" he asks, eagerly. I give him the key, "She's just a friend Freddy."

"Oh really?" He questions with absolute surprise. "Well, she showed me cute pictures of the two of you when you were little and..."

I stop him. "Honestly, I'd really love to stay and chat with you but I'm really tired and I have to work. I'm really sorry." 

I must've sounded rude but I had to be firm. He was invading on my personal life and it was starting to make me uncomfortable.

"Then, when are you free?" He asks. This takes me completely by surprise. I turn to face him, "Pardon?"

"We should go out sometime." He reiterates, his usual bright, careless smile returns to his face. Everything must fly over his head.

I give him a bewildered look and he chuckles. He scribbles something down on a small piece of paper, "Here," he takes my hand, and places the paper in it. "When you get the chance, give me a call."

I gawk at the piece of paper Freddy had given me. Was this a joke? Did I seem like I was flirting? I try to recount our past encounters. There was nothing vaguely interesting about me. I am average and completely ordinary. I was the epitome of a Plain Jane. I take a deep breath and slide it into my pocket.   


"All-nighter?" Addy asks, wiping her hands with a small white rag as I slump into a stool across from her. I take a deep breath and sit up, "A friend of mine surprised me with a visit and forced me to stay up with her."  I rub my face, "I need coffee. Badly."

"Hmmm. Well, Finn and I have been needing to dust the second floor for a while now." She leans forward and whispers, "I hear there is a couch up there too."

She steps back, "I don't know if you're up to the challenge though. It might take all day," Addy shrugs. 

I love her.

"Well, I guess I should start now, " I smile. 

"Okay, give me a sec," she says as she goes to the back room and then returns with a feather duster and Clorox wipes. "And you can probably assume where the stairs are."

I nod. "Oh and here's the key," Addy adds, placing it in my hand before I head to the staircase.

Yellow light fixtures illuminate the way as I carefully walk up the steps, which groan and creak with each step. I hold tightly to the railing, afraid I would fall through the steps as they seemed like they could break at any moment.

I unlock the door, at the top of the stairs, and turn the loose metal doorknob. When I open the door, I'm hit with a cold gush of air as I find myself in a dark room. I rub my arms as the morning chill slices through the holes of my sweater. Light peaks out of the crevices of the curtain covering the room's singular window. The rings, holding the curtain up on the, scrape against the metal rod as I quickly swing the drapes open allowing the sunlight to spread carelessly, illuminating the small room.

I squint my eyes, allowing them to adjust to the abrupt change. When I turn, I'm surrounded by a room covered in white sheets. I place the cleaning supplies in a pile on the large vintage carpet in the center of the room. Grasping one of the sheets, I yank which releases a cloud of dust and sends me into a fit of coughing. When it subsides I was taken aback when I notice what I had unveiled; it was a bookshelf lined with worn books with leather covers.

I pull the sheets off of five more shelves, each lined with books of similar characteristics. I close my eyes as I run my fingers along the bindings, I could smell the faded leather and the faint metallic scent of ink embedded into the sheets of paper. I stop my fingers on one book and open my eyes, Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte.

Sliding it off the shelf, I examine the cover which was a dull blue and title was fading, only spots of it remained. Looking around, I notice the outline of a couch underneath another sheet. I tuck the thick book under my arm and pull the sheet off to find an antique love seat, where I sit down and read.


"James called," Skylar says the moment I slam the door shut as she pours a steaming drink into a mug. I was shocked. Did he called her or was she bluffing? 

"For you or for me?" I ask nonchalantly, tossing my stuff into a pile on the ground before plopping myself down on the couch.

"Thought you would be more surprised than that," Sky says leaning against the wall looking down at me. I shrug and then point to the television, "Why are you watching this?" 

She ignores my question as I search for the remote as she speaks, "It was for me."

"Then why are you telling me this?"

"Because it was about you. He was wondering where you were and how you are doing. So I told him I was visiting you and then he told me that you should call him. He misses you and wants to see you."

"No, and where's the remote?"

She puts her mug down and folds her arms. "Are you even listening to me? That's not important right now."

"Wait I found it. Under the pillow." I say as I change the channel. She pulls the remote out of my hand and stands in front of the TV. "You can't keep doing this, you know. He's your brother!"

"Drop it Sky."

"Just call him!" Sky exclaims. It had been so long since I talked to him that I just didn't know what to say. She was acting as though it was such an easy thing to do. 

"I don't need to repeat myself" 

"You're acting like a child!"

I scoff, "Why the hell are you even here?" I hated this. She was bringing up the past when I didn't want it. It was so frustrating!

Skylar chuckles and stands up to retrieve her cup of tea. "A while."

"So you're just making this place more comfortable for yourself." I retort.

"Basically," she says sitting back down and putting her legs up on the coffee table.

"Why are you here?" I ask, "No bullshit."

She rubs her face and looks at me, "It's a long story."

"I'm not going anywhere."


+7 votes = new chapter

I'll keep it low since this was a horrid chapter.

Short and bad. I'm so sorry.

IMPORTANT: Harry is coming in the next chapter!

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