Namjoon BTS

422 20 15

[ Ilsan, South Korea]

"I think that's enough for me" Y/N said as you smashed down the shot glass.

You had hours ago gotten off work and had drinks with your girls Lisa, Rose, and Irene, which was probably a bad idea seeing as you have work again tomorrow.

You scrambled out of the bar and stumbled into a taxi. You were instantly uncomfortable as the taxi driver started to flirt with you asking you for your number and if you had a boyfriend. You didn't want him knowing where you live so you decided to get dropped off at a convenience store blocks from your apartment.

You shakily went into the store and went to the fridge for something cold to drink. As you reached for some banana milk someone intercepted you and grabbed it before you did. You looked you and saw a tall guy with really deep dimples. "Here you can have it" He said in a deep voice as he handed you back the milk. Before you can say thank you he walked away.

You walked to the cashier and paid for the milk then tried to leave but, as you were stumbling out you accidentally bumped into someone again. You looked up and it was the same guy.

"Are you okay" he asked as he steadied you. You nodded then mumbled a thanks and practically ran away ready to get home and go to sleep.

You started to take the short way to your apartment. When you got halfway you started to feel like someone was behind you. You whipped around and saw the guy from the convenience store. You to connected eyes, then you quickly turned back around and started to walk faster you sobered up very quickly.

Then you heard footsteps start to speed up behind you. You reached into your bag and gripped the pepper spray you always kept there, and started to walk even faster and so did he and before you knew it you both were running.

Just as you got to your apartment building he caught up to you and grabbed your shoulder then spun you around.

"Hey-" He didn't even get to finish before you sprayed him in his face.

He immediately crouched over and screamed in pain. "Fuck" He screamed

"You sprayed me."

You felt guilty then.

"I'm sorry, You scared me. Why are you following me." You said panicking.

"What are you- ow fuck this burns- what are you talking about I live here."


You felt stupid and horrible for just assuming that he was following you then just spraying him before he could talk.

"Okay um..." you felt awkward and didn't know what to do, so you grabbed his arm then started to lead him to your apartment.

The elevator ride up was filled with him wincing in pain and you feeling extremely guilty. You finally got to your apartment and you told him to kneel as you treated his eyes. It took a while for his eyes to fully stop burning, when it did you two just sat there in awkward silence. Until you broke the silence.

"Are you okay."

"The best I've ever been" he said sarcastically.

You decided to just ignore him seeing as his attitude was justified.

"Look i'm sorry..."



"My name is Namjoon" he clarified.

"OK Namjoon I'm sorry, banana milk?" You offered him the milk from the convenience store.

"Thanks" He said grabbing it from your hands while smiling his dimple smile.

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