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"katya." trixie sobbed from the other line.

"trixie? I'm out looking for you, where are you?"

"katya please help me they're coming back and i-"

"trixie please tell me where you are."

"i'm in one of the alleyways near cathedral street please help me"

"do you know which one?"

"no i couldn't see"

"baby try to stay where you are or get somewhere safe i'm coming to get you okay?"

"please hurry katya i'm scared-"

"trixie? i'm coming as fast as i can, are you hurt?"

"yes, i-"

the call cut off with a muffled crunch. katya heard a cough and a cry of pain, and then the sickening sound of the phone hanging up.

warm ; trixya ✗Where stories live. Discover now