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[ Jungwoo | Lucas | Doyoung | Ten | Johnny | Yuta | Sicheng | Mark | Donghyuck ]

Jungwoo bites his lip as he unzips his gym bag. Why was he feeling so... hot? Especially down there. He couldn't believe what he saw and luckily, no one was in the locker rooms at this very moment. Somehow, Lucas's touch was still lingering on his backside and it felt very...

"Thinking about something?" Lucas says, walking into the locker room. He noticed Jungwoo still in a daze, cheeks flushed with a reddish hue color. It was honestly too cute.

Snapping out of it, Jungwoo widens his eyes and takes a few steps back. W—who allowed him in here and why was he walking closer? "H—hey, stay away. I'm not afraid to use this."

"Use what?" Lucas lets out a laugh, pointing towards the towel in Jungwoo's hands. He has got to give him credit though, at least he tried to protect himself. The effort was there. "You should rethink your plan."

Narrowing his eyes, Jungwoo hurried and zips his gym bag. He's unsure why Lucas decided to show up, but one thing for sure was... he has to got to settle this once and for all. "Listen, I need to take a shower and wash off your touch—"

Lucas raises his perfectly arched eyebrow with a smirk. Honestly, at this point, Jungwoo should stop playing hard to get because he really played himself good. After all, it's the truth... they want each other badly, well their bodies. "My touch?"

Gulping, Jungwoo blinks. His mind was everywhere and today was one of those days where he screwed up. "N—no. I never said that."

Lies. It was all a lie. Lucas knew for sure what Jungwoo had meant, but he didn't dare to reply. Instead, he let his body do all the talking.

"What are you doing?" Jungwoo watches Lucas, leaning towards the wall. The thing that bothered him the most was his eyes were staring directly at him, waiting for some opportunity. "Can you please leave? I need to shower."

Turning on the faucet, Jungwoo runs the cold water down his head, feeling refreshed. Although he preferred to shower naked, he didn't want to show his body to just anyone. Especially to a guy like Lucas.

It only took a few moments before he could feel a pair of hands sliding down his back. This makes Jungwoo swallow, knowing what's exactly going to happen next.

"Do you feel uncomfortable when I touch you here?" Lucas softly says, his sweet voice brushing against Jungwoo's ears. "I know you're stressed, let me help you out for a bit."

There's a slight pause as Jungwoo turns around meeting Lucas's eyes. The hand on his waist started to move upwards and into his shirt. For some odd reason, he didn't want to push him away and instead he was curious to see what happened next.

"You know, you can't deny the fact our bodies are compatible with each other," Lucas speaks again, but this time he stops. Even though he wants to continue, it's almost closing time and if he gets locked up with Jungwoo for the night... he can't be responsible for what's to happen.

I felt like I haven't updated this book in so long. 😭🤟

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