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To everyone who has read my book. I am giving you full privilege to take this story and finish it if you want.

The ONLY condition is that you mention me as the original story creator.

Anyway, here's my draft for the next chapters. You can use this as a template if you want or just do whatever you want. 😊😊😊 Plus tell me if you're continuing this because I'll want to read them. Happy writing!!

Yeah can't think of titles but I'll give the book actual titles later. Sorry that I left for so long I've been super busy with my Radio class and school and etc. ANYWAY, hope you enjoy the chapter.

Last time on The Gay Babysitter:

Sheriwin's POV

After Johnathan had left I went into the living room to watch TV with mom since she was home early. I sit on our couch and my mom immediately starts asking me questions.

"So how was school?"

Since it was just mom and I, I actually talk.

"It was school."

"Okay, then what do you think about Johnathan?"

I pause for a few seconds thinking about how I should respond, "He's cute I guess."

Johnathan's POV

I've been "babysitting" Sherwin for a few weeks now and it's basically been the same thing: I get there and do homework while Sherwin did his own thing. Then he would cook dinner and I would leave once his mother came home. Nothing more has happened but I do enjoy his company even though he doesn't talk. Sherwin's a really good listener and gives some advice here an there. Although what I've been wandering is why Sherwin doesn't talk. Did something happen to him when he was younger? Maybe he just doesn't socialize very well with others. I don't know.

But anther thing that bothers me is why I  have feelings for the little ginger. Maybe it's just a phase? Yeah I'll just go with that. 

I get out of bed and head to the bathroom.

"Ugh my hair is a total mess", while I  look in the mirror.

I get ready to take a shower because it's not like anyone else is home. My parents are always off working, which I respect, but it gets really lonely being home alone. At least I'll have some company today. Babysitting Sherwin is more like just hanging out with a friend even though I can't quite figure out what's going on.

After getting out of the shower I do my usual morning routine which in my opinion takes way too long. 

I grab my keys to my f-type Jaguar and drive over Sherwin's house. 

Time skip 

I'm glad that it's the weekend because it means I can spend more time not being alone at my house. 

I drive over to Sherwin's house and on his street is the same group of kids playing basketball. They move and a few gaze longfully at my car. I also see that there were people in the community garden again.

I park in Sherwin's driveway and walk up to the front door. I don't even have to knock because Sherwin was already their with the door wide open.

He already had his notebook out with something on it.

'Hi Johnathen!'

"Hey Sherwin," I say with a smile. "So what are we doing today?"

I do find it a little wierd how quickly I got used to talking to Sherwin through his little notepad.

'Not much', but Sherwin was hiding a smile behind his notebook that I could easily see.

"Ohhh really. Ok then I guess I'll just leave then," I say fake walking away.

Sherwin let's out a little giggle and I feel a little warmer inside.

Sherwin has gotten used to me so he does laugh or giggle and whatever else; but he still hasn't talked to me directly.

'I'm joking. I actually do have something planned but you'll have to wait and see'

"Ok then let the fun begin"

We walk inside and I can never get used to the apple cinnamon scent that always seems to be in the air.

Sherwin grabs my wrist and leads me to the dining room. I look at the table and see two plates with pancakes, eggs and bacon on them. I swear I love when he cooks breakfast, it's so much better than a granola bar or cereal.

"Thanks Sherwin," I say giving the little ginger a hug.

Time skip

After eating the delicious breakfast Sherwin made. He led me upstairs to his room.

Make johnathens parents homophobic

Johnathan's POV

He sat on my lap and all I could think was, don't get hard, don't get hard, don't ge .

"Hey John," Sherwin asked with his adorably innocent voice.


"I don't think that it's your phone"

Sherwin was right it wasn't my phone that was poking him in his butt.

I tried to act normal but I just wanted to curl up and die at that moment.

"Here I'll just sit in a chair or something," I say.

"No, it's fine John."

We just sit there and watch whatever he put on the TV.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2019 ⏰

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