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I'm surprised at how many reads my story is getting. Thanks everyone for all you do!!

Johnathan's POV

What just happend?

Ok so not tons of thoughts but the question kept repeating in my head. But really, what just happened?

I swear John, are you really this stupid.

Huh, oh it's my consciousness.

Well yeah dumbass, who else could it be?

I don't know, am I going crazy?

Ugh, why do I have to share the same brain as you again? Don't answer that question. Now about what just happened. Let me give it to you slowly so that you can comprehend my words.




3rd Person's POV

The rest of dinner was ate in an awkward silence but both boys kept taking glances at each other when the other wasn't looking.

Johnathan's POV

I try to think of something to talk about to end the silence but my brain just doesn't want to listen to me. But what my conscious told me, is it true that I like Sherwin? No it can't be, sure he may be 'cute'. . . . Dammit there I go again calling him cute. He's not cute, he's just another kid that I'm babysitting so that I'm not just sitting at home doing nothing. Sure he may not talk but what does that have to do with all this? Okay so let's imagine that maybe I liked Sherwin for a moment. Even if I did, those type of people are looked upon, by others, as not real human beings or scum bags.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of the front door opening. I couldn't see who it was since there was a wall in the way.

"Hey Sherwin. I'm home the hospital let me off ear-," she stopped midsentence when she walks into the dining room and sees I'm still here.

"Oh hi Johnathan I kinda forgot that you were here and I see that Sherwin made dinner," she turns to Sherwin with a smile, "Thank you hunny for making dinner."

She turns to me, "Alright well I'll let you finish eating and then you can be on your way Johnathan"

"Oh I never did get your name mam"

"Sorry about that, I'm Melinda"

With that she walks into the kitchen to get dinner. Sherwin and I remain in an awkward silence though except for the shuffling coming from the kitchen.

Melinda comes back with a plate of spaghetti in hand, "I'm going to eat in the living room. You guys can come and join if you want."

Sherwin just shakes his 'no' , "No thank you Melinda," I say.

She walks off and we finish dinner in silence.

Time skip

I finished dinner and put my dishes in the sink. Sherwin walked in a few seconds later and put his dishes in the sink as well. Checking the clock that was on the stove I see its 9 PM and decide that it's time for me to go home.

"I've got to go but it was nice babysitting you Sherwin," I hold my hand out for a hand shake.

At first he just looks at my hand but I see realization spread over his face. He grabs my hand and I notice it's smaller than mine but fits perfectly into it. His hand is also slightly cold compared to the temperature of the house. We shake hands and I head for the front door so I can go home. I see Melinda sitting in the living room still eating and watching some home renovation show.

She gets up from the couch and walks over to me, "Hey Johnathan, just wanted to say thank you for babysitting my little angel."

"No problem he basically took care of himself"

"Oh before you leave, I would like to ask if you would have time to babysit him during the school week. I know that's a lot to ask and you probably have other kids to babysit-"

"I wouldn't mind. Plus I kinda don't have anymore babysitting jobs right now. "

She hugs me tightly but let's go a second later, "Oh how wonderful, I'll make sure that Sherwin is always on his best behaviour."

"Ok. Well I've got to go," I say motioning towards the door.

"It was nice meeting you. Have a good night!"

I walk out the door and head to my electric blue Jaguar. Now that I didn't have anything distracting me my earlier thoughts came back as I was driving home.

You should just give in already you know.

Oh it's my conscious again.

We've been over this. Anyway you cant change the fact that you like Sherwin and that's who you are.

But why? Why do I like him then?

How the hell am I supposed to know?! I may be your conscious but I don't decide who you like and who you don't like.

I'm sorry but I can't deal with this right now. Especially since that I'm going to have to babysit Sherwin over the school week now.

Great! That means you can get to know him and you know . . .

You are a fucking pervert!!

Remember I'm just your conscious im not the one who's actually thinking this stuff.

I realize that I was parking in my driveway and kinda forgot how I got here but what I did know is that i just wanted to get away from myself and my disgusting thoughts.

I got out of my car and ran inside almost slamming the door. I didn't care, no one was home anyway. I ran to my room and plopped onto my bed with tears pricking at my eyes.

I laid on my stomach with my face in my pillow silently sobbing. Why did I have to be like this? Why couldn't I just be like every other teenage guy and live the high school dream. Just live it normally. But I can't do that now and all of it is thanks to that little ginger headed kid. If I wouldn't of taken this job I would still be living a normal life.

I cry for what seemed like hours until I finally fell asleep.

Sheriwin's POV

After Johnathan had left I went into the living room to watch TV with mom since she was home early. I sit on our couch and my mom immediately starts asking me questions.

"So how was school?"

Since it was just mom and I, I actually talk.

"It was school."

"Okay, then what do you think about Johnathan?"

I pause for a few seconds thinking about how I should respond, "He's cute I guess."

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