Things Are Going

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So what did you think of the first chapter? I know it was short but I promise that I'll make the chapters longer soon. Sorry but school isn't the most fun thing in the world but I'll update soon. ENJOY THE CHAPTER MY SINFUL READERS! (I don't really mean it when I sat sinful)

Sherwin's POV

School is going better than I thought. It's only been two weeks but what I can say is that I haven't got bullied yet. Last year wasn't fun at all. I got bullied because I was mute and weak or at least I think that's why. This year I'm in 8th grade although I'm not surprised that I've made it this far. School has always came easy to me.

Speaking of school, this year I transferred to Saint Bridgetown Preparatory School because we moved from a different part of town. At first I was scared to go to school because of the massive building and the large amount of students. I was afraid that I would get picked on by the higher grades because apparently up the school is both middle and high school grades combined; but luckily I've layed low and stayed under the radar.

Now a lot of the other guys in my grade have been trying to get girls but I just don't see why they try so hard. If they get lucky the boys swipe a quick touch on some part of the girl's body for some reason. I don't know why the guys are so touchy feely.

I did say we moved and by that I mean my mother and I. We used to live with her boyfriend but they got into a fight and they broke up. So we got our own place. It isn't exactly middle class but it's close. The house itself is small but at least we have a roof over our heads.

My mother works at the hospital in town as a nurse so she usually isn't home when I get back from school. It is lonely but I get to spend a lot of time playing with our cat. Even thought she is a black cat she doesn't bring us bad luck. Her name is Luna but her full name is Luna Seri Latrine. I found out that her name means Moon of the Indian toilet. I don't know why my mom chose the name but I'm not one to question her.

I do talk it's just that I don't talk much. I find my voice to be small and weak but I do talk to my mother more than other people. She's actually learned to just read my face to know what I'm saying. I guess it a mother thing or something.

Since my mom isn't around a lot she got me a babysitter. I don't see why I need one, I'm already thirteen. But like I said I'm not on to question her. She said that he would be coming here today around 4 o' clock and it's already 3:45. She didn't tell me much about him except that he's a Latino mix with "perfect" hair and his name is Johnathan. I don't know why she explained him to me like that but my mother is a little weird.

Well that's all for now journal/diary. I don't know what to call this. I'll figure out eventually.

Till next time, Sherwin 9/16

For some reason my story didn't save but I was able to get it back. Anyway till next time my sinful readers!

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