I Got Tagged?

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So I got tagged by All-da-comics and well here's what I got to say. Bit first look at the picture at the top of the page. It has the questions that I'm answering.

1. I prefer vanilla because if I I eat anything chocolate I start to cough because it makes my throat dry. But don't think that I still won't eat chocolate!

2. A bad habit of mine? I guess getting away from everyone and just being on my phone all alone. But at least that gives me time to be on Wattpad.

3. My favorite subject used to be Science but then Chemistry ruined that. So my NEW favorite subject is Radio. It's basically what it sounds like.

4. Something I hate? Well I hate a lot of things like when people chew with their mouth open, I don't like a lot of rap (sorry rap lovers!), and I cant currently think of anything else.

5. Real boys, hello they're actually real. Plus I find real boy more attractive. P.S. For any new readers I am gay. Just letting you know.

6. I know how to crochet if you that. I can sort of draw but a talent that I do like to hide is ok well I do not hide it at all but I have a good fashion since. I actually help my siblings with what to wear. Yeah I know, it's pretty bad for them.

7. My favorite food is fettuccine alfredo from Fazoli's!!!! I would do just about anything for it!

8. One, my younger siblings. Two, if things aren't perfect. So I have slight OCD. Three, when someone puts on music I don't like.

9. Death Note!!! Nothing else needs to be said.

10. If you couldn't tell, I like to read. I've never owned any other pets other than cats, dogs, and fish. I've never been on a vacation outside the U.S.

Well here's 15 other tags:

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