Chapter Three

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Jack's eyes widened in surprise. Did Sue say what he heard?

She was biting her lips in anticipation, her hand tentatively reaching for his chin, timidly brushing the freshly shaved skin with the tip of her fingers.

"Did you mean it, Jack, when you said..." As doubts crept into her mind, the words died in her throat.

He prevented her from removing her hand, taking it to his lips instead, kissing every digits before pressing it against his cheek and covering it with his own. He smiled reassuringly, and he saw the fear in her eyes subsiding.

"When I said I love you?" It took him a few seconds to realise she'd indeed responded to him all along.

She nodded hesitantly.

"Let me show you." He leaned towards her.

His fingers ran into her hair, cupping her head, bringing her closer. Her lips were soft. Her hand moved to his chest, and her lips parted, giving him access to what he sought. His free hand encircled her body, careful of her I.V. line. He had forgotten about hospital gown not fastening at the back, and inadvertently slid his hand under the fabric. She shivered at his contact on her bare skin, deepening the kiss at the same time. He caressed her softly, his fingers tracing her spine before taking the scenic route and exploring her back, as he felt her hands roaming his bare chest, her bandaged hand scratching his skin only to have her fingers soothing it a moment later.

"I love you," he murmured, nibbling on her lips as much needed air enter their lungs. Feeling her lips stretch into a smile, he pulled away to gaze at her. "I knew you would get some colour back eventually," he teased, only accentuating the crimson shade on her face. "And to answer your previous question." His eyes twinkled mischievously. "Yes, I meant every word... I love you, Sue Thomas."

"I figured out that much," she murmured, her eyes sparkling brightly.

"Really? No wonder you're making a fine FBI agent, sweetheart," he teased. "But just so we understand each other perfectly." He fingered the curve of her nose down to her lips. "Maybe I should add that I'm planning on repeating those three little words to you every day... for the rest of my life."

Then he held his breath for her reaction. He wasn't disappointed when her eyes widened in absolute delight, and a face lit up with the most dazzling smile.

His smile matched hers. "I take it you agree with my brilliant plan?"

"That would be... acceptable," she conceded mischievously, able to feel the pounding of his heart under her hands.

"Acceptable?" he repeated in disbelief. "Only acceptable?"

She was laughing softly.

"Let me show you acceptable, Ms Thomas." He captured her lips one more, giving her no time to object, as she willingly lost herself in his arms.

"Agent Hudson!" a stern feminine voice bellowed, startling the two lovers who instantly broke apart. "What on earth do you think you doing? Resuscitating her?"


"And keep your hands to yourself," the new nurse added. "Both of you."

Jack gently lowered Sue down on the mattress, winking at her, as he noticed how flustered she became when she realised she unbuttoned his shirt completely.

"This is an hospital, for goodness sake." The nurse stared at both of them. "She is supposed to rest. Taking your blood pressure will be pointless at this moment." She rolled her eyes. "I will be back in twenty minutes. In the meantime, behave," she warned them before leaving.

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