Chapter Five

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"Good evening, Monica," greeted the man as he approached the nurses' desk.

She smiled. "Good evening to you, too. What brings you here?"

"A young woman." He scratched his head. "Tommy, Tolan..."

The nurse laughed quietly, knowing he couldn't forget a face, yet could barely remember a name. "We have a Thomas, and a Boland."

"Pink nightgown with hearts on it I was told... not hospital issue."

"Susan Thomas, then." She pointed to the door at the end of the hallway on the left.

"Susan Thomas," he repeated, trusting the name to his memory... at least for a little while. "Would she still be awake?"

"Yes, I just peeked in there... they are dancing."

He raised a brow. "Dancing?"

The night nurse sighed. "So romantic."

"Would I be interrupting?"

"Probably, but maybe you should remind them she has an early ECG, and send them to bed."

"I didn't know sending them to bed was in my job description," he chuckled, straightening his collar.


Sue was holding on to him, drifting between dreams and reality, in a place she didn't want to leave.

"Almost midnight, sweetheart. You need to rest." His whisper was lost in the sensation his touch awakened as he took her to her bed.

The knock on the door startled them, and she tumbled backward, landing with a thud on the mattress... with Jack over her.

He quickly pulled himself up "Did I hurt you?"

Shaking her head, she sat against the pillows.

"Come in," he answered after clearing his throat, realizing too late his shirt was nowhere in sight.

The door opened without a sound, and a short burly man entered.

"Good evening, young lady." He bowed to Sue before taking her hand into his and squeezing affectionately. "I'm Father Alistair."

"Good evening, Father. I'm Sue Thomas," she replied reverently.

"Nice meeting you, my child. And who would that young man be?" As he eyed Jack curiously, recognition reached his mind. "Didn't I see you in the chapel this morning, son?"

"Jack Hudson, Father." Feeling rather self-conscious after being caught shirtless by a chaplain, he nevertheless shook the hand extended towards him while glancing around furtively. "And yes, I was there. Sue survived a car accident, and I want to let God know how grateful I was... though I don't recall seeing you."

"I was inconspicuously replacing candles in the corner, but I noticed you. By the way, your shirt is behind the chair, son."

"Hum... Thank you... it's not..."

If she hadn't been busy blushing herself, Sue would have chuckled at Jack's flustered state and mumbling.

"I know," the chaplain conceded, smiling. "It's warm in here, but the hospital insists on keeping the thermostat cranked high up. If I could I would remove a layer or two myself, but the sight would undoubtedly scare some of the older ladies." He winked at Sue, who burst out laughing. "So, my children, any particular reason you were seeking my presence tonight?"

Jack relaxed a notch. The man inspired respect and kindness.

"Sue and I... we were wondering... I understand it's a bit unusual..."

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