Chapter Four

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"No more than two visitors at the time... no exception," the nurse snapped when she came to check on Sue. "Or is the sign by the door not big enough?"

"Well, luv, we're..."

"Don't waste your breath on me, lover boy. Out."

"Just a second, nurse Ber..." Myles was trying to read her nametag.

She positioned her short but bulky frame in front of the tall blond agent, silencing him.

"Didn't anyone of you learn how to read? Or is that an option with FBI agents?"

"Hold on," Bobby began arguing.

"Bobby?" Tara grabbed his arms since she'd agreed to a nice romantic Valentine's dinner after the team ganged up on them. "Maybe we should go. I'm hungry."

"You're right, luv. Sue, you get some rest, Tara and I will comeback tomorrow."

Sue nodded to them, thanking them for coming.

"And Sparky, the rest of what you asked for is in there." Bobby indicated a box under the chair he was sitting on, finally understanding why Jack wanted it. "Don't keep her up too late," he grinned before leaving for his last first date.

The nurse stood in the middle of the room, her arms crossed over her ample bosom, eyeing each of them as they excused themselves.

"Even you, Myles, cannot empty a room that efficiently?" Lucy complained loud enough for the nurse to hear.

"I bet she gets to practice a lot, too," Myles retorted, staring at the nurse with contempt.

The nurse smiled coldly at them as they left. "It's a gift."

"Isn't your shift almost over?" Jack inquired sarcastically.

"No, you're lucky, I'm pulling a double shift."

"Great," Jack mumbled under his breath, making Sue laugh as she read his lips.

"Step outside, agent Hudson," she ordered as she pulled the curtains around Sue.

'Please, stay', Sue signed.

"I'm not going anywhere, sweetheart."

He kept her hand into his, daring the nurse to contradict him. Surprisingly, the nurse ignored him. She took Sue's vitals and removed her I.V., before informing them the doctor would stop by later tonight.

"Dinner will be served shortly, try eating it this time," she suggested before leaving.

"She missed her calling, she should have been a collector agent," Sue sighed.

"I bet she could break a few kneecaps too." Jack pulled her in his arms. "How do you feel?"

"Head is still throbbing a bit, but much better."

"Would that help?"

He gently cupped her head before his lips descended on hers. Not giving her a chance to answer, he deepened the kiss, leaning back with her on the pillow. He nibbled his way across her cheek to her ear, feeling her shiver under him as he leaned over her

"Jack, would you stay tonight?" she asked softly while she trailed kisses along his bristly chin.

He slightly pulled away to look at her. She gazed intently at him, her eyes darkened with desire. He intended on spending the night with her, the same emotions reflected in his eyes.

"I love you, Sue. Would you..."

"Dinner," announced a petite lady with a blue uniform, loudly dropping the tray on the table, interrupting them.

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