Chapter three

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After a few hours Koto told the hospital staff to bring Kino and her daughter to her office.

"Mama, who is this?" Asked a little red haired girl from behind Kino's dress.

"I'm Namikaze Koto the fifth Hokage, I'm the leader of this village." Koto told the girl in a gentle voice.

"And what might your name be?" Koto asked the girl

"M-M..Mei. My name is.. Uzumaki Mei"

"Well it's nice to meet you Mei-chan"

"And Kino-san, I'd like to apologize for the method we used to find out the truth. We had no intention of using you simply because you are a shinobi of another village. We simply wanted an explanation for some of the items in your possession." Koto explained

"Now to the reason I asked you to come here, I would like to know why you are here?" Koto continued

Niko looked down at her daughter, she was wearing a white dress with blue ribbons tied around the collar and differentiating between the shirt and skirt parts of the dress that was given to her to replace the ripped pink one that she wore before. Kino herself was wearing a white short sleeved shirt and pink ankle length skirt that was also given to her by the hospital staff.

"We came here to find a safe new home, I remembered that Kushina-chan had come to live here and so we made our way here. But when I asked where she is the doctors said that they couldn't tell me anything, maybe you can explain it hokage-sama" Kino answered after almost a minute of silence.

Koto took a deep breath before answering the question. "I'm very sorry to say but Kushina past away eight years ago, the only uzumaki you will find in the leaf is my nephew Uzumaki Naruto." Koto told the red haired woman standing in front of her.

"How?" Was the only thing that left the distraught woman's mouth

"Eight years ago Kushina and my brother, her husband Namikaze Minato gave their lives seaing away the kyuubi" Koto explained

Kino's eyes were filled with tears at this point and her knees were shaking, Mei was squeezing her mother's skirt with a scared expression and tears threatening to roll down her cheeks.

Koto watched, this was a woman who ran to an unknown land to find maybe the only family that she had left only to find that she to is dead. It's a tragic story that is all to common in the ninja world, and all Koto could do was watch and tell the woman that Kushina died a heroic death to try and comfort her.

"Kino-san you and Mei-chan will stay in the leaf until you decide what to do next, is that alright?" Koto asked the woman, who was barely able to stand. The woman nodded and Koto went to tell one of the chunin assistants to ready a room for the two Uzumaki's.

"Thank you very much hokage-sama" Kino said bowing

Kino and Mei spent that night in a spare room in the hokage residence.

Kino was sitting at the edge of the bed in the room that she and her daughter were given by the hokage for the time being. She looked at the sleeping image of her daughter and thought about what to do next. 'Kushina isn't here, Sora isn't either. Maybe it's better to stay here, I'm sure I can find work and Mei can grow up safely here' Kino thought to herself.The hokage gave them some money and she gave them the freedom to roam the village freely. 'Alright tomorrow we'll get breakfast and look around the village a little' Kino told herself as she went to bed next to her sleeping daughter being careful not wake her.

"Mama, wake up" Mei said to her sleeping mother, after shaking her a little Niko finally woke up.

The two got ready to head out for breakfast and after eating they started 'exploring' as Mei called it. The two passed the Konoha library, the intelligence building, and the hospital. As they continued walking around they saw the academy. "Mama what's that?" Mei asked pointing at the academy. There were students training in taijutsu in the yard and some students waived towards the two onlookers.

"That's seems to be the ninja academy" Niko told the young girl that was holding her hand.

"Huh?" Mei said as she tilted her head in confusion.

"It's where children learn to become ninja" Niko elaborated

Niko looked on at the class that was being taught, she saw the children who seemed to be around ten or eleven having sparring matches. That's when her mind was set, she and Mei would stay here. It was peaceful and the people were quite friendly, but most importantly their family was here.

Meanwhile in the hokage's office Koto was talking to her student.

"This is a good start. Akimi would you mind overseeing the fuinjutsu classes at the academy?" Koto asked a tall brunette. Her silky straight hair ran down to her waist. She was wearing a pink shirt with a black vest, grey pants that stopped just after her knees and pink ninja sandals.

The girl, Akimi, along with Shisui Uchiha was on the genin team that Koto supervised before the kyuubi attack. Like Shisui she had been promoted to chunin after the nine tails attack and was promoted to special jonin five years later.

"Sensei, are you sure that reforming the academy's fuinjutsu curriculum will help create more interest in learning seals?" Asked Akimi as she flipped through the new seal education curriculum.

"We'll introduce this curriculum next year for the second to fourth year students and I'll Be giving intermediate classes on fuinjutsu for genin and chunin. If we continue pushing education for new seal masters that'll give us an incredible edge over the over the other villages and it will give us another bargaining tool for alliances, in exchange for an alliance we'll share our fuinjutsu curriculum." Koto explained with a smirk firmly planted on her lips.                       

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