Chapter seven

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Knock knock

"Yes?" Koto asked as her office door opened revealing two ANBU agents. One was wearing a mask shaped like a dog's face and the other was wearing a cat like mask.

"You called us lady hokage" Stated the one in the dog mask.

"Yes, as you should know by now Uchiha Itachi has been made the new head of the Uchiha clan, because of this he is no longer an ANBU agent and no longer on your squad. Therefore I am assigning you a new squad member" Koto told the two ANBU in front of her.

After koto said this an ANBU agent came out of the shadows of the office, she wore the standard ANBU uniform had long purple hair and wore a cat like porcelain mask with three red stripes - one vertical stripe on the forehead and two horizontal stripes on each cheek.

"This is Uzuki Yugao she will be joining you two on team Ro from now on." Koto introduced

"Go get acquainted with one another, then return to the investigation of the Uchiha attempted coup d'etat" Koto stated smiling sweetly as the three ANBU disappeared from her office.

It was late at night, after hours of paperwork koto only had one thing left to take care of for the day

"Now let's see how the investigation is going"

With that the fifth hokage started making her way over to the intelligence building at ten p.m.

"Ibiki what are you doing here so late?" Koto asked the man standing in front her

"Um, my job?" Ibiki answered

"At ten p.m?" Koto continued to question the interrogator

"I just finished an interrogation, What are you doing here so late? You should get some sleep" Ibiki told the blonde in front of him

"I came to see how the investigation was going" Koto answered ignoring the last part of Ibiki's statement.

"Well so far none of them are really willing to talk, but we did get almost the entirety of the plan when we sweeped that bastard's mind" Ibiki stated

"'That bastard', being Fugaku?" Koto asked the interrogator

"Yes" Ibiki almost hissed

"The ANBU team that you assigned also found written proof of what we found" Ibiki continued

"Well then lead the way" Koto said motioning further into the intelligence building

"This way" Ibiki said turning around and showing the hokage to the room where the written plans were kept

"I'm home" Koto whispered as she entered the hokage mansion at 11:30 p.m.

"Hello dear" Izuna said giving his wife a sweet kiss on the cheek.

"What are you doing up so late? I was sure you'd be asleep" Koto told her tired husband

"I was waiting for you" He answered sweetly

"Thank you" Koto told Izuna as they walked back to their bedroom.

Koto was Halfway to her and Izuna's bed after changing when she stopped, looking over to a dresser at the side of the room. On the dresser four framed pictures were placed,

one of her and Minato when he started the academy, Koto was holding Minato's shoulder as they stood at the entrance to the academy minato wearing his signature Namikaze grin and Koto giving a soft reassuring smile.

The second was her and Izuna's wedding photo, Izuna was holding Koto's waist pulling her close to him as Koto placed her hand over his giving her own Namikaze grin.

The third was the official photo she Shisui and Akimi took when they became a team and she their jonin sensei, Koto was behind them wearing a standard jonin uniform holding the shoulders of both her genin students pulling them closer to each other.

In the last picture Izuna was standing beside her holding a three year old Naruto on his hip and placing a gentle hand on a three year old Haruko's shoulder, whilst she held a two year old Kai in her arms. Koto had on her usual red slitted dress and her long hair was in a ponytail that reached her waist, her ceremonial hokage hat was tied around her hip. In her arms Kai was wearing a baby green T-shirt and dark blue shorts, Haruko was wearing a dark purple kimono that almost reached her ankles, Naruto was wearing an orange shirt with a dark blue sleeveless hoodie and Izuna was wearing his standard jonin uniform.

Seeing the old photos Koto couldn't stop tears from forming in the corners of her eyes, she missed the days where she spent more time with her family. Even back then it wasn't much time, she was still the hokage but somehow she always managed to come home in time for dinner with her family.

She thought back to those times, then thought back even further. She thought back to her genin team, Back to the years after the end of the second great ninja war.


"Good job guys, I'll see you three tomorrow. In the meantime get some rest" Said a woman who looked to be in her mid twenties. She had straight blonde hair held in two ponytails that went down her back and a konoha forehead protector.

"Alright, Tsunade-sensei" Said a girl with bright blonde shoulder length hair. She wore a black shirt and pants with a red jacket over them and a konoha headband tied around her waist.

"B-bye Koto!" said a timid black haired hyuga boy wearing a white yukata that almost reached his knees.

"Ouma! Wipe that sour look off of your face now!" Tsunade said to no response from said Uchiha. He wore black pants, shirt and arm guards with a light grey sleeveless hoodie on top.

"Are you still made that Koto beat you in your spar?" Tsunade questioned. The only response she received from him was a huff before he too left

End flashback

"Koto, Koto! What happened" Izuna asked his wife who was silently crying while looking at the old photos

"Just remembering a few old memories" Koto said wiping away tears she didn't realize had fallen down her cheeks.

"Let's go to sleep you need to rest, you don't want to overwork yourself" Izuna said pressing his forehead to hers and hugging her gently.  

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