2. "Big deal"

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We arrived at the venue and of course we were placed so damn close to the stage. I don't know why I expected that we'll be somewhere in the crowd. But there was one more thing that she didn't tell me. Meet and greet with the Vamps.

I wasn't able to say a word because she dragged me to the queue where stood many fangirls. The queue wasn't too slow but all I wanted to do was sit. And in that very moment, brilliant idea came up in my mind.

"Jenny I have brilliant idea." I said excited like a little puppy.
"Let me hear it." She said smiling.
"Why don't I find some girl that really wants to see the Vamps and she walks inside meet and greet with you instead of me?" I said smiling from cheek to cheek hoping for a positive  answer.

"Are you insane?" She said with a trace of angriness in her voice. There were just two girls infront of us which meant that my plan wouldn't work either way. "You will walk in that damn room with me and stop trying to wiggle out."

"But I-" before I could continue the security guy said "you are next" and we had to walk inside. I rolled my eyes which caused Jenny to punched me with her elbow.
"Ouch" I squealed. And she just glared at me like when your mom is staring at you so you don't embarrasse her.

Jenny walked towards four guys who said hi and of course I knew who was who. I mean, it is hard for me not to know when Jenny talks about them 99% of the time. She hugged them all while I just stood aside waiting for her, which caused her once again to glare at me. Her glare guys saw to and started to smile.

"I am sorry. My friend is stubborn." Jenny said as she tried to apologise for I don't know what.
"But cute." The curly headed one called Brad said. I looked at him rolling my eyes with a hint of smile.
"Come here so we can take a photo together." The tallest one, Tristan, told me but I just shook my head and shrugged it off.

"Come here." Brad said as he came up to me and pick me up in bridal style.
"Put me down." I squealed still processing what the hell is happening. He did put me down, right next to him as he put his arm on my shoulders. I just looked at the camera and hoped that everything will be over soon.
The photographer said that we have amazing pictures and I went towards the exit.

"You won't even say bye?" I heard the voice which belong to Brad.
"Bye Brad." I said smiling at him.
"You know my name?" He asked in shock.
"I know all of your names. After all she thought me something." I said as Jenny walked up to me.
"Bye girls" I heard Tristan said as we waved them.

"Bradley Will Simpson carried you in bridal style." Jenny whispered screamed at me as we exited the room.
"Shush please. Like it is a big deal."
"It is a huge deal." Jenny said as she hugged me.

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