5. "Question"

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I was following his every move since he walked in the dinning room. He hugged his parents and my parents too. To be honest, everyone seems more excited to see him, than me. I don't want to sound jelaous, but after all I don't have hair like him. My mini inside monologue was interrupted with my mom.

"This is Lily." My mom said as she introduced Brad to me which caused me to get up from chair. Again, I took my hand out to shake his, but instead he brought me into a hug leaving a slight kiss on my cheek and with that he proceeded to his seat. I planned on eating without talking but others had a different plan.

"You know Anne-Marie that Lily is studying for fashion designer so maybe she could help you."
My mom said and again I had confused look on my face because I had no idea what she meant under the word "help".

"That would be great idea. Only if you want Lily." Anne-Marie looked at me with a smile while I probably looked as a lost puppy.
"I don't want to sound rude, but I have no idea what are you talking about." I said at which Brad chuckled causing me to look at him. We stared for a split second at eachother until my mom spoke again.

"Derek and Anne-Marie want to set a party for their 30th anniversary." My mom said in very excited voice.
"Great and you want me to do exactly what?" I asked still not sure on what they are about. My mom and Anne-Marie looked at each other like they are announcing god knows what.
"I was wondering if you would want to make a dress for me." Anne-Marie asked smiling and somehow I have no guts to say no even though I have so many things to do.
"Well, I have to admit that I have a lot things upcoming but it would be my pleasure to make a dress for you." I said smiling at what Anne-Marie literally jumped out of her chair and came to hug me. Told you that they are hug type of people.

"This will be wonderful. Lily will make a dress for me and Brad will sing and Nat will be a photographer." Anne- Marie happily said and once again I wondered who is Nat but simply words just couldn't come out of my mouth.
"Nat is my sister." Brad said smiling at me at which I just nodded.

"Lily, you know that Brad is in well known band right?" My mom asked.
"Um, yes, I do know." I answered centering my focus on my plate.
"She was actually on our concert few night ago." Brad said which caused me to stop eating. Did he really needed to start this now, when I all wanted was to finish my meal, peacefully?

"So you two know each other?" Anne-Marie and my mom said at the same time.
"No" was my answer while Brad's answer was "kind of" with a flirthy smile.
"No, we don't know each other. Lily forced me to go to theirs concert and that's it." I insisted because I wanted to make things clear.

"So you are saying that you didn't enjoy the concert?" Brad said not moving his gaze from me and all others at the table watched two of us.
"I didn't say that." I answered.
"You said that you were forced to come."
"I was forced to come and that's it." I just wanted to end this right now.
"But you still didn't answer my question." Brad insisted and I just glared at him with do-we-really-need-to-talk-about-this-now look.
"and I am not gonna answer it." I said rolling my eyes at him.
"trust m-" but before Brad could continue my mom interrupted him, telling me to take pie from kitchen.

I picked as much as I could plates from the table and went in the kitchen. I started to put them in a dishwasher when I heard footsteps coming closer.
"Mom, I know how to take pie from owen and how to find a knife." I said without turning to see her.
"But you can't answer a simple question." I heard a familiar voice at which one plate felt on the marble floor.
"Can you just disappear?" I asked in annoyance as now I have to clean mess I made. Before Brad could say anything my mom appeared in the kitchen to check if everyone is alive. When she made sure, she realised that I will be good with Brad and that he'll help me, so she just left. Little did she know, that he was partly involved in breaking a plate.

"I won't disappear." He said as he kneeled next to me with attempt to help me. I refused his help by pushing his hands from broken parts of a plate, but his slight scream stopped my action.
"What is it?" I said looking at him while he just shook his head. He got up and mumbled something like "I can't believe it" which caused me to get up too. He proceeded to the bathroom and for god knows what reason I followed him too.

As he walked in the bathroom, he tried to close the door but I stopped them since I saw that he was bleeding. He opened the tap water and put his hand under it.
"That's not gonna help." I said walking past him and talking first aid kit.
"Like you gonna help me." He said as I motioned him to sit on the edge of bathtub.
"I will help you." I said as I took septic to clean his wound. He bited his lip because this hurta as hell.
"You are enjoying this, don't you?" He asked as I finished with the painful part.
"Brad, I am not Satan. I have empaty for people too." I said taking a bandage and wrapping it around his hand.
"You just happen not to have empaty for me." He said in sad voice. He looked at me while I was trying to avoid his gaze, because somehow it makes me weak and being this close to him is unbearable.

"If I didn't have empaty for you, you would bleed to death here on your own." I said smiling at him as I finished with my little doctor moment.
"Well, that's very true." Brad said smiling at me as he got up and I started to put things back in first aid kit.

"Will I ever get an answer to my question?" He asked as he exited the bathroom. He was, indeed, gentleman, because he let me out first.
"You never know, maybe you will." I said as we went back in kitchen.

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