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My name is Mathias Quiguier, and for now more than twenty years, I have worked with what people call the paranormal.

By that, I don't mean I am a ghost hunter, a zone 51 scientist nor any sort of witch. In fact, my work was closer to the one of a guard, sometimes of a singular prisoner, sometimes of entire quarantine zones.  I was not the only one in my facility, and definitely not one of the highest in grade. This is why I don't have much information aside from what I've experienced.

Perhaps if I had tried harder during my school years I would have ended up with an entirely different perspective. All that I know is that through a series of events, I have ended up as something not completely human, and that it got me a paid job.

What can I say, after a point you just stop asking questions.

I've always been a gambler. There is something with luck that fascinate me, and still today I'd be lying if I said I didn't like games of luck. Sadly, it would seem luck didn't like me so much.

I had developed quite an addiction in my 20's, so much that when I hit rock bottom I had no money to crawl out of my hole. I guess in other circumstances I would have found other ways around. I'm not easy to keep down.

But at that time, I had one name in mind and a lot of frustration to let go off.

A man, whose name I won't say here, had enrolled me as a scam artist, or more simply put, as fodder to gain more. I was naive. I thought I was the one getting the jackpot, when I was really just a young man with a target on his back.

It's surprising how easy it is to escape a fraud accusations when you are a rich suburb man with a family. For my part, I was caught, and had to endure a few months of prison. It made it almost impossible for me to get a decent job afterward.

During my prison time, I met my first contact with the occult, a man whose mother came from Algeria, and who  knew about occult art from tradition. He was here for longer than me, although I am sure it wasn't for the reasons he should have been in prison for.

This man used magic for his own purpose, to avenge himself from deeds against him. He never got around actually telling me what he was avenging, but it was enough to get me interested.

He made me learn the bases if you will. Magic is quite a fickle thing. When you think you got it is when it turns around and bite you in the ass.

It works by trades, simplified. You give something, you get something in return. You can't cheat magic. If you think you did, then you have a bigger problem coming around.

When I got out of prison, I had an idea well written in my mind. Get back at the man who played me. It seemed simple enough, I didn't actually wish to kill him or harm his family that much, just to make him loose all that he gained unfairly.

That's when I made my first big error. You see, when you come from a celtic family there is a few gods you know about. I had always been a fan of the morrigan. I am much less now.

Long story short, I managed to contact who I thought was the morrigan. The deal was simple : She wanted me to be her eyes, and she would avenge me.

Now, if you know what the morrigans are, you might know what's coming. The one who I contacted was not actually the morrigan, but a diety close, Fae. She had a very close domain to the one of the morrigan, only a bit more inclined to sacrifice lives for her benefit.

The morrigan is the goddess of war, sometimes the night and fertility. Fae is something akin to a close cousin. Also a goddess of the battlefield, she is a very vengeful diety. I guess my lament caught her attention.

I woke up after the murder of a family of four, my right eye blind and feeling cold in my socket.

Although you wouldn't be able to see any difference with my left, my right eye is now still as I speak belonging to Fae. As for the family, they were found slaughtered by their father, who suicided afterwards. That's, at least, what I understood from the police record.

I didn't touch much magic after that, but often had dreams of seeing through the eyes of crows, or feral dogs, or even, more rarely, creatures of the wood like wolves, deers or hogs.

Nowadays, I can see through the eye of animals when closing my eyes, and control their behavior to an extent. Nothing crazy, but mostly making them go were I would prefer to. Although, it does not work in case of great fear, or other strong emotions.

I was enrolled as a guard by a man named Simon, who sadly does not walk among the living anymore. From what I've understood he was some sort of empath. I'm fairly big boned and strongly built, they were searching a guard, I didn't search more than that.

Considering my situation, I was grateful for any job, and didn't care a bit of the consequences. For the record, I was homeless and with a growing criminal records (although the murder was never connected to me, obviously, I have stealed and fought a few too many times).

Next thing I know, I'm under the obligation of professional secrecy, with the risk of life long prison if any real proof is brought into light.

I am here only writing, so I'm a hoping that I won't actually get detected in any way.

Now that the presentation is out of the way, here is my experience as a guard in the facility.

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