Bases And Trades : Spells

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If you asked me about how to do magic, I'd probably tell you that it's not worth it. But we are all here for this today, so I'm still going to say it.

Like established before magic works by trading. Don't ask me why, I have no idea. Even the simplest thing will take something of equivalent worth in return.

The more something is complex, the more you have to pay.

One of the thing we learnt quickly to do in the facility (often taught by other guards, hunters or anyone else who used it) was a luck spell.

So here is a lesson, of some sort : Spell Binding.

Spells need to be bound to something to work. If they are not bound, they often will just release into the air. There are some exceptions, but I'll talk about those later.

Experienced magic users will often be able to do spells without any visual cue. For my part I can do some while muttering under my breath, but I never achieved the next step.

When starting, it is good to ground your understanding of the spell to a symbol and a phrase or sound. Then, use only one of the two, less and less visibly. Finally, at some point doing a spell without anything should work.

There are cases were people are gifted, but they are very rare.

A simple spell to start of is the luck spell. A weak luck spell just enhance slightly your luck, where as a strong one can override laws of physics to accommodate your luck.

See it like this : you participate in a sorting.

A very weak spell will make you win a bet of a flipping coin.

A weak spell will make you win a bet of 20 dollars on a flipping coin.

A normal spell will make you win a village raffle of 50 dollars.

A rather strong spell will make you win 200 dollars in a small raffle you entered.

A strong spell will make you win on an investment that will advantage you for the rest of your life.

A very strong spell, this investment will make you significantly richer.

A perfect spell will make you win a million on a raffle you never entered.

In our cases, the silver bullet was what was spellbound, enchanted.
Some also enchanted their weapons of choice, or themselves, but the price was far higher. Spellbinding a small object takes much less energy than a big one, and an object takes less energy than a living being.

Other spells like this one that I know of are :
- Courage, which worked pretty well probably also because of a placebo effect,
- Fear, Anger, Happiness, Sadness... Any emotion. Thoses I've often had used on me. They are, also, pretty efficient when in the right hands.
- Love, which only really works for romantic attraction at high level,
- Hate, which behave the same way,
- And, for these ones, probably anything you can think of that isn't directly visible, like confidence, being a good liar, talking a language better, being better in math or something...

There is then the ones that are actually visible, like light binding, which will make something glow, or elemental magic as I hate to call it.

I have never used those, but our equipment was spellbound by those kind of spells in the early days, and other creatures talked about it.

If it's not fabricated from nothing and just an alteration of state, then it can be made by a spell. If it impact the mind, it can also be made by a spell. If it impact luck, vision or time, it can also be made by a spell for some reason.

So for exemple, making something burn works. Just make a spell that will heat it up. I wouldn't recommend trying that on yourself to control flames though. It doesn't work like that, and will just do exactly what it did for the object. We've had a few incidents. Ever heard of spontaneous combustion?

But for exemple, making a crystal appear in your hand doesn't work. Transforming a metal into gold doesn't work neither. It's a change in the atoms itself, so it's transformation.

Spells can be made without meaning to. Children are especially good at this. Some object get spellbound because of faith in it, like luck charms, or confidence boost phrases.

Honestly, we've had to get a number of child's toys, plushies, books or charms behaving strangely that it's just something that we sometimes ignore. It's just too much, so we only really worry about the ones that are visibly spellbound.

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